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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Hmm which OS are you using? Windows/mac/linux btw? Please confirm I will extend your trial np btw!
  2. I will be trying to get a dual price model (either monthly or more expensive lifetime) in place Done added all trials gl guys
  3. Done gl guys enjoy! You made the right choice here, this script is insanely good
  4. Woo congrats If you'd like any advice/strategies I will always help Done added agil, glgl I recommend stealth + short sessions for agil, works the best imo
  5. Done added trial for blast furnace glgl
  6. Awesome! Tysm for the support btw I can give you a trial after this update goes live or after I add ge restocking?
  7. Done activated all trials gl guys New Update (v17.0) - Added new hop settings - Screenshot on >1M drop - Improved walking (less delays) - Added walking: avoids green dragons - Added glory to emblem skull trader - Added choose prayer sip control - Added option to replace food with blighted - Added tracker for tb count, death count Update will automatically go live within 24 hours enjoy Also, yesterday's update went live: ironman looting, pray only at revs, added leaderboards.
  8. This is the highest proggie, going on thread! Tysm you're a beast Done! Enjoy Hey there, glad to see you here! Done There is no sulliuscep support yet but I will give you another trial when they are added, might release a beta version of them soon
  9. No problem I will release a new update as a safety patch
  10. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done added trials gl guys have fun I am always helping around lmk if you need any advice
  11. I will investigate and fix ASAP. You have coal bag or no coal bag? Please confirm
  12. Good find, I will move it to Lumby ASAP, ty^^ Added all trials glgl
  13. Sure, done enjoy We've got some new updates releasing btw, am excited to announce
  14. I had this in my script but jagex ruined it I think only 1 hunter kit can be made now, not sure but I do remember removing it recently
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes sure, I have posted the settings in my discord too, for anyone who wants to setup blackjacking better I am also going to submit a new update to control the timings for blackjacking, it seems the npcs are different in delays. Done added trials have fun
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