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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Version 0.06 - Added gem cutting (even though that's crafting -.-) :P - Fixed magic shortbow/longbow - Darts are now faster update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  2. Version 0.39 - Removed animation timer for serum 207 potions - they are now faster update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  3. Version 0.36 - Added random stair handler (uses closest stairs in lumbridge upper bank, gnome bank) - Changes to AFK mode - Changes to deposit box update will be live today
  4. I have notified the developers about that, it's happening to random users for all scripts @Karamja deposit box, fixed, update will be live in next version
  5. Czar


    It's not expensive, ~1m will probably get you 80 range (correct me if i'm wrong) but you no longer profit at ranged guild so you will lose maybe end up with 800k from that 1m As for breaks, as long as you don't stay logged in for more than 12hrs/day it's fine, in fact the user who achieved 100 hour proggy had excellent break settings, maybe you can ask that user :P
  6. Czar

    Scripts wont load.

    This happens for non-mirror users too
  7. Will check out magic longbow and dart speed ASAP, are you sure it's not the ram/your pc that's lagging every few seconds (or mirror?). Anyhow, updating coming
  8. Done, enjoy trials ;) @neutrino, I have given you the script for free (since you mentioned advertising on sythe too), don't let me down! enjoy the free script ;)
  9. Czar


    Yep, just make sure your camera zoom is on default and there will never be problems
  10. Done, enjoy ;) Btw guys, this script is now updated. Camelot teleport tabs are now 100% working, as is the pathfinding code, enjoy ;)
  11. Start the script while logged in, if it still doesn't work, PM me.
  12. Do you use fast mode? And did you enable 'stop when out of runes'?
  13. For super combat potions I will make it deposit all, and for the bank booths all I can suggest is moving to the east/west side of the GE banks if you are in GE, or just near any bank booth (1 tile away) As for bank button I will add a delay to it but I'm afraid it may slow down the banking process. Although I will experiment with the code to see the best way to do it thanks for feedback
  14. Make sure you are running the script correctly @Mage333, the script is currently working @Yummies it seems to be a client issue with logging in/out, try setting longer breaks (or remove breaks) EDIT: I have just added a nice update; will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  15. Czar


    Glad to read that message, thanks for kind words man , enjoy ;)
  16. Yes it did, I added a timer of 100-200 milliseconds for each potion made.
  17. So what you're doing is: > Finding the nearest yak > checking if the chosen yak exists > checking if the chosen yak isn't fighting > checking if the chosen yak isn't under attack what happens if it's fighting, or it's under attack? it will just wait/repeat cycle INSTEAD, you need to FILTER the yaks, and find the closest one which fits certain criteria: (the above conditions), and NOT find the closest yak, and check if it meets criteria As for the two questions; 1. check if the npc's health is above 0, and to make it faster, use the filter I mentioned above 2. you need to check if your character is interacting or being interacted, if it is, don't attack
  18. done, enjoy trial ;) As for dropping, I recommend switching between the 2 drop styles for maximum effect. Don't worry if the anti-ban version has mistakes, it all contributes to the anti-ban
  19. Tell me how the new update goes, if there are still issues, tell me and I will take another look at it. Meanwhile, east mode is usually the better choice (why do you think west mode is always empty :P)
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