Thank you guys, I am here 24/7 I will always fix bugs, please don't think I will ever leave the script broken or buggy or anything bad
Anyhow, I just made some changes to shilo village, it should no longer walk around in circles (I updated my webdata this time) which means it is an immediate update (since I only update the files on the osbot server) anyhow, if you want to fish at shilo village, stop the script, refresh scripts and start the fisher again, and it will be fine.
As for object-related paths such as lumbridge bank (staircase), gnome village (upper floor) they have been fixed but it is a script-related update so we have to wait a few hours until they update all osbot scripts.
I am currently fishing salmon at barbarian village, so far so good, and will move onto catherby, any other areas which should be tested? I am spending a few hours to test everything out before version 0.44