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Everything posted by Czar

  1. in onPaint int x = getMouse().getPosition().x int y = getMouse().getPosition().y g.drawLine(0, y, 765, y) g.drawLine(x, 0, x, 503) make changes, I just typed that out real quick :p
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Sure no problem, you mean add the cup of tea healing whilst stealing tea or you mean using tea as food? Anyhow I will definitely add them as a food source
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done, refresh scripts and enjoy !
  4. Czar


    Ahh RS added more options to the tab, guys make sure to have always right-click enabled for npcs @Dieze If you have any problems just PM me the console log and it will be fixed within 10 minutes, ASAP ! The script is still 100% functional, just don't forget to change settings after the new update
  5. Version 0.62 - Waterbirth updates added, you can now custom AFK there ;) - Knives, darts and javelins are now working again update will be live within a few hours, enjoy ;)
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Enjoy, good luck all !
  7. done, refresh scripts and enjoy !
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes but bear in mind the stalls are going through an update, so we are waiting for version 0.14, however pickpocketing and chests are fine
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep there was also an update for knights too, I made it so it closes the bank before it attempts to pickpocket, but other than that it's fine I will also add a global update to chests, stalls and pickpocketing, so the bot will always monitor your health, I don't want any users to die from suiciders in deadman mode (even in safe zones) Yes I do allow free scripts of course, I will activate that as soon as version 0.14 of this script is live (max a few hours)
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep, already fixed in version 0.14, just waiting on osbot to update scripts EDIT: I will give extra trial time, and free scripts too
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    alright tea stalls are perfectly flawless again
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I appreciate all the bug reports and your understanding, since the script has a few bugs, I will offer you any premium script of mine for free, choose a script
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Version 0.14 - Now closes bank before thieving - All other npcs are prioritized update will be live within a few hours, thanks for all the feedback Sorry about those, it is still a brand new scripts, just a few tweaks here and there and it will be normal again When it says version 0.14 (after they update my script) these changes will be live
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Knights coming up !
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Is it not opening the doors? o_O I made it open all the doors, or was it just a one-time bug?
  16. Select the buy kebab option upon script startup, good luck ! EDIT : Make sure to have coins in your inventory !
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm, that is a good idea on ardy knights, I will add a priority system so it checks if any knights are in any of the houses vs those outside. thanks again, update coming up Version 0.13 - Ardy knights in houses are now prioritized - Guards (level 1337 ones) are now ignored - Added mouse cursor to paint update will be live within a few hours, enjoy
  18. Yep, done, although tea stalls have an update pending for version 0.11, pickpocketing and chests are the main ones working flawlessly atm, and stalls are having a few updates, good luck !
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ahh I wish guarded zones were actually safe EDIT: another pic of banking for tea stalls, just in case going for 38 thieving then maybe master farmers or just straight to ardy knights, since pickpocketing is the feature which works best
  20. Yes it does loot and bank herbs, and it makes 120k xp/hr in deadman mode (from the 5x boost thing)
  21. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done, I have activated it manually, enjoy Atm I highly recommend pickpocketing and chests, those are the two that can never go wrong. As for stalls, make sure to go in a high populated world because the bot will know which place to thieve from I have added an update for thieving stalls which makes it so you know how to get back, and I reduced the misclick chance %, and fixed Steal 1 drop 1 option good luck ! here is a pic of version 0.11 with new tea stall update, stable ~50k/hr and it walks back and drops perfectly
  22. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Okay I added an update for that it will know how to get back in position, apologies ! Fixed :
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