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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Alright, I have gone ahead and switched the motherlode mine script to AIO mining script, good luck
  2. Thank you for the detailed bug report, update will be placed ASAP EDIT: There is no safespot there, so the bot is being confused. Make sure to use the south east location if you want to safespot, and none of those errors will show up Just went ahead and tested safespot and non-safespot, and the only bug came from trying to safespot in the unsafespot-able area
  3. Perfect Magic AIO supports every single spell, I'm shocked you didn't notice that script, it's a best seller edit: nvm i thought you meant premium script XD
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Name a chest that is missing and it will be added in 5 minutes If it is a secret location then I can offer an option to click on any chest in the rs screen to thieve it http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Thieving Those are the thieving chests I have added, all of the ones officially documented :P
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I made it rank each spot and go to best spot, but I guess I will make it switch places less often thanks for feedback
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Just posted another update, version 0.48, it will contain some of the features discussed in the previous posts
  7. :D the recent updates were some changes to fishing spot detection and walking, let me know if there are ever any issues/bugs/suggestions and I will address them ASAP ;)
  8. Turn off AFK mode Gratz on 99 fishing !!! Added to main thread
  9. Does the bot actually board the boat to entrana ? Can you confirm this is the actual problem and I will fix it ASAP Anyhow I just posted an update which improves walking, so it is likely that you won't encounter that bug anymore :P
  10. done, refresh scripts and good luck ! recently added a nice update for tree detection too
  11. Make sure to place the items at the top of the bank so the bot can easily detect it, try to not put the items in tabs too, let me know how the bot goes Proof that it's working : Just tested it a few minutes ago
  12. Just added a quick fix to HP detection, the bot should eat normally in the next update I just posted
  13. Version 0.09 - Updated fightbounds for each fight spot - No longer gets stuck sometimes (^bot standing still), it will actually fight now - No longer paints useless information update will be live within a few hours, thanks for the feedback
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Which place in ardougne is the courtyard (english not my first language :P) ?
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Alright no problem, I am going to have a failsafe for leaving the ardy city (guarded zone), it will go back inside if it ever leaves I will also make it so it ignores npcs that are not in a guarded zone, so it will not even attempt to pickpocket an npc in a dangerous zone (ardougne only) let me know if there are any other places you guys would like added
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    For master farmer, use simple mode it will work better here is the bot going out of the bank, did the bot stop doing that ^? As for trial, refresh scripts As for blackjacking it still hasn't been added unfortunately, but don't worry I will make sure to be the first scripter to have blackjacking , it will be here within 3 updates MAX @gtele make sure to hide the npc attack option, otherwise state which option you used
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