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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Version 0.58 - Script has been restored to the last best working version, (version 0.58). It was the best version so I rolled it back to 0.58 and now it's back to normal Apologies all, trust me this update is 1000x better Stunalch is perfectly flawless now :D here is a nice screenshot of it working: ^ That is the optimal setup if you want the shortest mouse distance for stunning too
  2. Make sure not to disable AFK mode, otherwise it may AFK and log out randomly, I have auto enabled it so there is higher anti-ban @Turbotree http://osbot.org/forum/topic/88989- make sure not to run OSBot from the command line, according to that thread @Failure I will re-introduce the feature to check for fishing items, I just didn't enable it due to users using bare-handed fishing thanks for feedback all A nice improvement update coming up
  3. Ah man I'm sad to hear about ban, although I doubt it was the only reason for the ban, did you use any free scripts before that or bot for more than usual? Needless to say, I will add an update for MLM so it avoids other people's rocks for sure,
  4. No you don't need VIP to use it, you only need VIP if you wanna run more than 2 bots at the same time, that's the only restriction osbot has, good luck ;D @trials done @free scripts + reviews, done, thank you !
  5. Czar


    @vhdt close the czarbot console window, it will boost fps, I only added it so the users can see what is going on in the bot (in the engine) @trial done, good luck ;)
  6. I have added a quick update for that, it seems to be painting the strength skill instead of range, no worries though an update has been placed. What a legend, thanks for progress report
  7. Czar


    I have activated 24 hour trial, evaluate the script, if you don't like it don't buy it EDIT: I push updates 24/7, I've been here for over a year now :P
  8. Yes I can easily add selling fish to Rasolo support, as for @pdbub the script is working perfectly fine, just had to do a test run because of you, everything seems fine. @cymlawrence the bot no longer does that, restart the client Anyway here are the details of the update which has just been added: Version 0.54 - Added improved inventory decision making - Reduces the chances of 'ran out feather/bait' bug to 0, it used to be very rare now it never happens, - Added a few improvements for efficiency when dropping items and when walking using minimap update will be live within an hour or so, good luck all ;)
  9. Czar


    @all of you who suggested my scripts, you are all legends, pm me for a free premium script of your choice ! @Failure I assure you there is no 'lagg' on my script, it is #1 sold for a reason..
  10. In regard to alching, I was trying out some efficient methods for alching/stunning and now it's back to normal Version 0.60 is now live! Please allow a few minutes for the update to be registered good luck all !
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    No worries, I have contacted zach that some users are having issues with starting bots. This only seems to affect a small amount of users although it will definitely be back to normal in the next OSBot client update For the record, other bots on this site are also having this issue from time to time, just a simple client restart solves it, and be sure to start the script while logged in. If nothing happens, clear OSBot folder and re-download osbot
  12. Czar


    Re-activated trial, hopefully you saw that the script was well worth it? @dextri nul0.32 is the name of the script in obfuscated form :P pretty useless, it will be gone in the next update @jordi apologies for late reply, hope you are enjoying the bot
  13. Make sure to have the arrows equipped upon script startup and it will work as normal ;)
  14. That log message doesn't affect the script - ignore it :P It's just from the random tile generator when looking for a new rock crab to attack, it still carries on normally. The message will be removed though, thanks for the reminder
  15. Version 0.51 is now live, good luck all @Trial - done, is this your second trial? I must have forgotten
  16. Done, refresh the script and enjoy ! Lemme know if any ideas/suggestions/bugs
  17. It can max out to around 35k xp/hr, this training spot is awesome for pures and low level accounts Perfect for training a main account too @Venomm make sure to unhide npc attack option (if it's hidden), that should do the trick
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Restart the client, it should do the trick, otherwise make sure you have the latest OSBot client, or try one of the dev builds As for the bot farmer, hmm how can you avoid deaths from bot farmers using staircases? I am more than willing to add an update for it
  19. New update! Version 0.35 - Screen mining is now globally fixed, for everything - No more screen freezes or anything related to that good luck all, please allow an hour or so until the admin registers this update
  20. I have activated mining and fishing bots, good luck Thank you for choosing CzarScripts New update! Version 0.6 - Fast mode returned back to normal - Stunning, cursing, all stun-alch, curse related spells are back to normal, sorry guys I was just experimenting with an efficient method update will be live within an hour or so, good luck
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