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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yes it has antiban and anti-pattern, but don't worry - bank-related skills such as herblore, fletching, sometimes magic, etc. are low banrate skills anyway so it's like one of the best skills to bot without worrying
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Blackjacking support is almost ready, apologies for the delay ! As for trials - done good luck ;)
  3. Yes I will be updating the thread for a guide on how to retrieve highscores. The highscores will also be expanded so in the future you can navigate to find other bots vs other highscores. There will also be a status update for the monthly prizes which will be beginning as soon as everything has been setup Here is a preview of the highscores for your account: is that accurate ?
  4. No need to bump a negative post like that, the user didn't bot responsibly and he paid the price! The best bot in the world can't save you if you bot irresponsibly There is even a 100 hour progress report on the main thread, as long as you bot responsibly, you will see very good results. Just make sure to use breaks if you wanna go far with botting If you make a fresh level 3 and just go woodcut 24/7 without breaks, guess what???
  5. Czar


    @iammesiah read the main thread for the best setup for higher xp gains, turn on esc mode As for trial - done good luck 24 hrs ;)
  6. The real question is, why didn't you request a trial for this bot first? :P This is the #1 most popular magic bot on the market by far, and is the only magic bot with both normal and lunar spellbook support Done - good luck 24 hours Should be visible in version 0.68 of the bot, I made a new thread for air orbs since it will be a separate bot in the future (and I need to separate script feedback/testing etc)
  7. Version 0.82 - Cannon world hop is now re-introduced. update will be live within a few hours max, once the update is registered, just enable the 'World hop' option and it will hop as soon as a cannon is found in your side of rock crabs In regards to the waterbirth bot, it may take a few more days because the SDN manager has been fired unfortunately so the sdn manager is handled by the admin Trust me the bot is worth it, made sure it was perfect before uploading it
  8. Yes just select zombies (and their combat level) and the appropriate location and it will kill them ;) Also, the update should be live now, let me know how it goes If anything goes wrong, I will revert back to the last version so everything goes back to normal. But I had no problems testing goblins, rats etc. on floor 1 :P
  9. Done, good luck ;) The spec switch -> shield update is coming soon, just heads up ^^ don't forget to bring food btw ;)
  10. Update has been posted for the walking system. It is much better now, using the system from when the script was released, which worked flawlessly for months until I changed something a few weeks back, silly me. Latest version is 0.46, please allow a few hours for the update to be registered.
  11. Of course, good luck (24 hours) ;)
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Turn off save npc, it's only for multiple npc types , as for walking, use the old walker, I will most likely remove osbot webwalker since they haven't made it really good :p Try it with those options and it should run much better, let me know how it goes
  13. Just posted an update for this bot. New update: - Added multiple npc types for every stronghold level - Fixed bug where sometimes bot was stuck (rarely) update will be live within a few hours, good luck all ;) Latest version is 0.19, please allow a few hours for the update to register
  14. All you need is some food, if you don't have any - the bot will not function whatsoever. So grab any food (even if you don't need food) and hit 'Load inventory' when starting up the bot, it should solve everything The special attack system only supports wielding weapons, not shields, although I will add that immediately. thanks for the suggestion! As for potions, you just need to have the desired potions in your inventory, and click 'Load inventory' and it will use them in future trips. Make sure to have one inventory space empty just in case :P Note to all: If you want the script to work, you must have some food loaded, otherwise the bot will continually attempt to go to the bank in search for food.
  15. sick proggy, but this is the wrong thread XD that's range guild :P glad you like the bot though, gl on 99 ;)
  16. Strange, delete the OSBot folder in the user directory (osbot/data) etc. And it should be back to normal If not, pm @Zach about this, sometimes this happens rarely to users
  17. Yes you will have the waterbirth script ASAP. Just waiting on release since its a new script completely, it will be called Waterbirth Crabs by Czar in combat section as usual and it will be the same price as this bot. All users of this rock crab bot will also have the waterbirth one for free
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @trek if there's a bug , post details about the bug and it will be fixed ASAP ! which options/location/settings you used in the setup window As for trials, good luck
  19. Clear your inventory, keep 1 hammer and 1 pickaxe only, I've tested it so many times it works well. I even went upstairs mode to test it and it works well there too. I can't think of anything that will make it not work If anything, post a screenshot and console log so I can see what's going on and patch it ASAP. @Trial - good luck, 24 hours ;)
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