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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Enable 'walking option 1' or 3, or 4, those are the best ones for performance. There is a tradeoff between performance and stability, but the first walking option should be the best for performance EDIT: Also there is an option called 'low-resources' mode with the osbot client, it reduces lag by SO much ^^ Script paint is also toggle-able too ^^ I will make some nice updates for performance right now
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    H.A.M. thieving doesn't support returning yet, but with ham robes there is no need to return back since it won't teleport away As for silk stall, change the walk setting, there are ~5 options available and each have unique results, but I will do another test for silk stall to make sure there are no bugs ^^ it was working very well with the 3rd walk option edit: activated all 24hr trials, good luck ;)
  3. Czar


    Either enable esc mode or set mouse zoom to default (by right clicking), otherwise the script will not start. Those 2 are the only conditions needed to make the script run ^^ It works for everybody else, ^ instructions above, good luck ;)
  4. For prayer pots, enable either prayer flicking or quick-prayer mode and the script will automatically drink pots when below 10 prayer points. I will most likely add a button called 'Drink prayer potions' or make the script automatically drink if prayer falls below 10 regardless of which buttons enabled As for rock/sand crabs, you need to enable them in the 'Plugins' menu, you can't manually add rock/sand crabs from the normal setup window, they are separate npcs which are supported but they have a different setup window so just click the button at the top of the setup window and it will launch the sand/rock crab setup. GDK will be added as a separate plugin too, for more configuration options. @kw - for banking, you must set the runes/keys in the loadout, and block the runes/keys so that they are not banked. To block banking items, right click the items on the setup window (in the bank list) and an icon will be placed. Can you try this and then post a bug report? I think this will solve it - I will also test hill giants but last time I tested it worked, but I will try again @ta - presets as in, equip new gear as the script levels up? E.g. at 40 attack, equip rune scimitar etc etc? Will definitely add gdk, equipment loadouts, hill giants bugfix (if applicable), prayer pots and a few more features in v119. Looks like the last update is still pending, I will quote the post in case anybody missed, here are the last version's changes which are still pending: ------------- edit: thanks for all the feedback everyone, many more updates coming up asap ^^ EDIT 2 : @wheet , version 117 (current version, before the update above) b2p tabs seems to be working already flawlessly I just tested, and paused the script, went to low hp, had bones and b2p in inventory, and then clicked resume script, and it clicked b2p tab:
  5. Czar


    Make sure to install latest java for mac, otherwise it will not work
  6. There is a pending update, so trials are now 48hr instead of 24hr New update: v118 - Added a fix for b2p mode - Added grand tree bank - Added a fix for chaos druids and walking system - Added logout on death option - Added logout when out of food - No longer fights dmm guards - Added tasks for plugins - Added a fix for rock/sand crabs , refreshing update will be live within 24 hours (should be much sooner), good luck everyone ;)
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Very useful post about preventing bot-bans before botting: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/ Activated all trials, good luck everyone
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done activated trials good luck ;)
  9. Hmm one more update, apologies everyone . V118 should be out in no time. I'm glad the script isn't dying on b2p mode anymore though, next update will be even better Grand tree and DMM also included ^^
  10. Czar


    Script is currently working Also, for higher anti-ban, here is a thread by a developer: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/ Trial requests are welcome, just like/post on the thread for a free 24 hour trial of the script
  11. This script's paint is the best designed paint out of every script on osbot, what do you mean As for trial, activated good luck ;)
  12. Added an update to make the script have higher performance, latest version is now: v81, update should be live within a few hours As for trial, activated good luck
  13. I am currently working on cannon mode, should be released very soon ^^ good luck ;)
  14. Chaos druids will be fixed, make sure to add npcs locally (nearby) not from name, set fight bounds if possible, to reduce any possibilities of bugs. Will add an extra update for the walking system too Rock/sand crabs will feature a big update right now for fighting and task mode, and DMM guards will be filtered out, including a logout on death option thanks for all the suggestions everyone ^^ . Update coming up ASAP
  15. New Update v117 - Added pre-hover npc - Added noted item looting - Added an update for b2p mode, low health + b2p tabs + low bones = convert bones. No b2p tabs, low health = run to bank. - Port sarim upstairs fixed, banking works like a charm now - AFK mode for sand/rock crabs improved - Added an update for eating; script will now eat any food in inventory even if banking isn't enabled Another update is coming for guthans mode, task levelling and loot above GP value option update. I really hope I'm not forgetting anything If so, don't worry I am still trying my best by adding daily updates for the script ^^ Noted items will now say (noted): good luck everyone
  16. Make sure there is -65 magic bonus, it will make all cast spells work MUCH better , glad to hear it's working now ^^
  17. Restart script, there was an OSBot client update, and an rs client update, the bot is working much better now As for trial, activated good luck
  18. I will definitely add pre-hover to next npc targets in the next update As for movement, I may add an option for more frequent camera movement, but it can really be detrimental, because generally what is seen as antiban, actually increases banrate (think about it, it's exactly what a bot would do). It's really easy too (takes like 2 minutes to add). I suppose I will add an option with a warning As for food, set food in the banking tab ("Current banking list" > add bank item | or | copy inventory), but I just realized users can't set food without enabling banking, so I will add an update for the setup window ASAP ^^ Update coming up within an hour or so, will edit this post with full changelog also the last update (update v116) is still not live, it should be live any moment now
  19. The free script promotion is no longer possible since the auth system has been changed, (trial limit of 10 users per script) and the script trial system was used to give 9999 hour trials, after the 10th trial, the script would not be activated I can give up to 1 month trials though, I think As for trial, good luck ;)
  20. Activated 24h trial, good luck Questing should be fine, but GE mode and blast furnace minigame are absolutely perfected ^^
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