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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hmm it should be taking the mine cart to Grand Exchange so it can restock on items, or does the bot think it needs to complete quests? Can I get a copypaste of logger maybe the bot is telling us we need to do something
  2. Done enjoy tysm! I'll help with botting if you have any questions or need any advice
  3. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Awesome! Enjoy^^
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes sure, done enjoy
  5. It is working, I am using it right now And so are many other people. Are you experiencing any errors? If so, I will help ^^
  6. Woooooooooooooooot
  7. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    EDIT: Fixed Please download
  8. Done enjoy am currently going from 70-99 mining at calcified deposits
  9. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Guys need to update to .34 client devbuild, it works in this update
  10. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Done enjoy, gl sir I recommend using the built-in break manager you'll see in the setup window
  11. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Bans depend on how you set up your acc, fresh off tutorial accs need a bit of questing and few skills and you will notice dramatic difference in bans, they go super low
  12. it should be resolved now, does it work?
  13. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Will do, I'm panicking hard but dw I will get it fixed. If you have .32 open, please use this version instead temporarily while it's getting fixed please EDIT: Fixed, big shoutout to pat, will be in the .34 devbuild of osbot client
  14. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Found the problem seems to be related to the Flashing Yellow Arrow, will resolve ASAP.
  15. Done gl guys have fun
  16. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Awesome welcome btw glad to have you here I am always helping out and listening to feedback will send you my settings too. Also great news guys, new update went live
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hey bro sure done glgl
  18. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Thanks for confirming, I will take a look and see if something needs updating maybe jagex broke something
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