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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Check my above post, you need to disable spell filtering by right clicking the magic tab: As for spin flax, already got an update in the works for that, new update v125 coming soon
  2. That is ALOT of bows, good job man. Hopefully we get to see some epic proggies Make sure not to bot wayy too much. Remember, bank skills are low banrate. So if you fletch/magic in a bank you will rarely get banned. As soon as you get in contact with other players (e.g. going to stun npcs) in public (non-bank) locations it is different to banking (in terms of ban-rates) Which exact spell(s)? I will make them faster with a warning popup box Also guys, following the new osrs update. Make sure to right click the magic tab, and select 'Disable filtering' below:
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated trials good luck guys
  4. New Update (v18) - Bolts are now supported (smithing) - Furnace is now left-clicked (cannonballs) Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys Next update: CLI and saving/loading/recent profile.
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    The script doesn't support it just yet, if the script had it, I would've mentioned it on the main thread features, I wanted to make a flawless version and a human-like version of it before adding it to the script. If alching is coded incorrectly it can be extremely botlike, so all scripters must be careful about it.
  6. How do you mean slow, slow as in the script responds slowly? Or slow as in the script is lagging? In any case, if using mirror mode, lower reaction timer to 100ms from 1000ms using SHIFT + F3/F4 keys it will make the script respond faster. If the client is lagging then try assigning more memory in the client, it will do wonders. Please confirm so I can help ASAP ^^ As for teaks, yep you can chop 2 trees, using screen mode. At the start of the script, you select two trees (from the osrs screen) that you would like to chop, and the script will do Activated all trials good luck guys
  7. Which items do you want to drop? Did you select banking mode on the task manager? I will help ASAP As for draynor village, will add even more randomization to the walking system, thanks for feedback ^^
  8. Thanks guys for the feedback. Will be adding another update today. Really appreciate the support. Stay tuned
  9. Thanks for the feedback, will be adding an update ASAP for GE mode. ^^ Stay tuned
  10. Repair mode was recently updated too, good luck! Let me know if you want any changes/new features I will add more updates every day Good luck on trials guys, happy botting
  11. Within a few hours max, hopefully it comes sooner ^^
  12. Screenshot your bank layout in the setup window bank tab, I will run some tests and add an update for those teleports/banking ASAP As for revenant cave, good idea, I think I have gotten a few requests before too, I think it is time to add as a new update
  13. Done good luck on trials guys
  14. Done good luck on trials guys Will be posting an improvement update to script behavior, I want to experiment with some techniques to increase the anti-ban even higher, and perhaps a new mining style mode too. Thanks guys
  15. For mirror mode speed, I suggest lowering reaction timer it makes everything faster. Mirror client hotkeys: Hold SHIFT + F3/F4 keys until you get 100ms from 1,000ms. As for other suggestions, thanks guys. Noted down and will be posting the new update very soon.
  16. Got some updates coming up, thanks guys for the feedback, really appreciate it
  17. Done good luck on trials guys
  18. Hmm will test task leveling and provide feedback ASAP. Stay tuned guys EDIT: Okay, which weapon do you have, the script can't find the correct attack style for your weapon. Confirm please!
  19. Script is back to normal following osrs update, good luck guys
  20. Script should be back to normal following OSRS and OSBot client update. Let me know if you would like any updates or have any suggestions. Thanks guys, and good luck botting
  21. Mirror mode - restart client, there has recently been an update but I don't know if it's for widgets only. I will run some tests and ask around Script is still good for 2018 of course, and beyond that, I am always adding updates and am always available 24/7. Activated trial good luck Feel free to pm if you need any help
  22. Diamond cutting is crafting not fletching I would've added it but it's against market rules on the scripters that have crafting scripts. It's super easy to add too As for removing the delay, will add another update to remove delays for bows too. Update coming up
  23. Which teleport? I will help Activated trials good luck guys
  24. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Pyramid plunder not supported, if there wasn't a script for it I would add it already As for rogues' outfit, sorry for delays
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