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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Nice! Scripter rank when? xD
  2. Awesome!! Tysm means a lot to me. I just released a new update yesterday, more to come Am trying to make a side farm to kill zombie pirates
  3. Sounds good if you have any ideas on what features I can add lemme know please!
  4. It should be inside client not forum, can check again?
  5. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    Yep in settings -> Force lower mine this will make it go there For combo runes I will give it a try ^^
  6. Thanks! I can also automate this too I am happy to release more updates
  7. Done added all trials gl guys
  8. Logs look good no errors in there, is there any chance the PC ran out of memory while botting? I will release a new update for performance ASAP Thanks!
  9. There are already 2 nmz scripts I need to think of a new script xD
  10. Done added trials enjoy @bluelighty hey bro looks like alching is working good? I just tried it here: Are you using any type of different resolution? Best one is the traditional classic - fixed, hope this helps!
  11. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hey bro welcome done enjoy, if you'd like any advice or help I'm always here for you
  12. Yep mine is released
  13. Awesome gl my friend, lemme know if you'd like any other changes!
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