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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Nice I guess we all learned something new today
  2. Appreciate it more proggies to come
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Good choice, gl sir enjoy please bot responsibly I'm levelling another batch of accounts to 73 will post progress
  4. Well for mirror mode I believe it doesn't do anything, and for stealth it turns off rendering (black screen), I could be wrong tho
  5. Epic!! @Spooney join our disc I got some tips/strategies for you ^^ @russ1012My mistake I think the key is F4 to set breaks tile, so first we stand on tile, hit F4 and then it registers, I'll update the text and perhaps make the tile light up grey or red or something Ty for letting me know
  6. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hell yeah same here but I'm at 60 atm 13 levels to go and it's going straight to bloods
  7. Insane dude congratz !! I love to see it, makes my day And here is the image for anyone wondering: I can't wait to get my cape also
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done gl sir enjoy @divinitize This can happen with my fast clicker, I recommend turning it off (called API Click system or something) or a better angle would be super close camera zoom and it should be more reliable
  9. New Update (v198.1) - Added faster mode - Removed all delays when runecrafting now - Astrals/cosmics working better - Sped up abyss runecrafting - Should no longer die at abyss sometimes randomly Update will automatically go live within a few hours enjoy! Also guys here's a sweet proggy: And hit 99 on my other account too
  10. Wooooooot Glad it works better, let me know if anything changes or if you'd like to see some new features, this bot is getting a huge update (new feature) soon which I'm sure everyone will be happy about
  11. Amazing!! I wish I had that luck
  12. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Yes, it gathers the Clue Hunter Outfit. This is a new feature I added a week ago, I will update the thread in case anyone else is wondering Gave trial btw gl :)
  13. Done gl enjoy Also @john69 after a lot of testing I managed to replicate and fix the issue with astrals, ty for the feedback my friend. I've submitted an update (v198.0) which will automatically go live within 24 hrs, enjoy ^^ cosmics are also included in the update.
  14. Excellent choice sir done please bot responsibly
  15. Cannon isn't supported there just yet but I'll be adding them soon
  16. Love it, I am not complaining, ty for the confirmation I'll get scripting, swift update coming up I hope to see you making sweet $ gains from botting EDIT: Submitted update v154.0 it should automatically go live within <24 hours, alching should be better in this version for all machine types, lmk how it goes ^^ Yep for anyone wondering there are two modes to enchanting, automatic and manual. I recommend doing automatic for safety but some people can do manual if they have their botting strategy mapped out, dm me if you want some tips. Done gl sir enjoy
  17. Yea sure ^^ btw you using VM, or VPS? Or normal pc
  18. If we get entity hider on osbot client I reckon the rates will go even higher tbh. Lots of lag in that minigame
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