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Everything posted by Czar

  1. If I joined today I would use free scripts and/or trial every scripter's script until I get 35M ish gp, convert it to vip (mirror mode) and then real botting journey begins. Nowadays you could bot for at least a whole week using trials at different times
  2. based hopefully pat's back doesn't hurt
  3. Done gl guys enjoy I'm working on an update for clicking + brawlers to make it a bit better than it already is
  4. Czar


    Make sure to enable this setting [esc to close interface] and it will work, I just did 40-82 range and will keep going to 99 Thank you, I will review this. I believe the camera needs to be set to default (right click camera zoom -> set default) otherwise it will not work Small 19 hour proggy using heavy breaks:
  5. Added trials gl guys Yes the bot supports magic imbue just in case anyone is wondering select this one for combo runes: Ignore the theme, it should be all black in the live version
  6. Done, I recommend gunning straight for amethysts I been making a killing of those lately
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Sure thing, good choice btw I recommend doing elves/vyres those are the goat And ardy knights until then
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Submitted update v253.0 it is now officially live lemme know how it goes EDIT: Found the problem I thought it was food related, seems to be shadow veil related (without rune pouch) submitting another fix shortly. Yesterday's update affected something else my bad! A temporary workaround would be to use rune pouch with shadow veil runes inside, while we wait for update.
  9. Done added trial enjoy I recommend using new mouse + using option [always stay in my sector] and you'll see good results, mlm is a bit safer so we don't have to take a lot of breaks like other click intensive skills
  10. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Added trial enjoy Also quick PSA: Yesterday's update went live, I added some safety checks, guys please if you are using Ferox and dueling ring, do the following: - Remove dueling ring from ALL armour presets and save it. The bot will now automatically equip dueling ring for you, if you have set your bank to ferox or castle wars, so you don't need to set it on your armour list anymore. Added some results to main thread, shoutout to @SrNicolas for being a chad with these good drops from discord
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I'll take a look, it's best to restart client because it seems mirror client has de-synced again. Though the good news is I found a nice way that helps with that Update coming up. EDIT: Also I forgot to ask, are you using food that is a members item, e.g. shark/monkfish/anglerfish right? If you don't remember, dw about it
  12. Done added trials gl guys I will make the mouse offscreen optional when banking, imo this was one of my secrets to preventing bans sadly now it's been leaked
  13. Need to turn off the option to go bank for more fishing equipment, in misc tab @MadmanDerek, you have any special fishing equipment like equipped d harpoon equipped etc? Please confirm
  14. Actually jad would be easy to code, but wave 1-63 would have to be a whole other script. I believe one well respected scripter is taking over the fight caves bot which is good news. Multiple safespots done, will be available in tonight's update. Sorry for the wait, the code was actually really simple to do just had no idea where to do testing other than chins
  15. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Done added trials enjoy @Dwarom Done, update just went live as of a few mins ago gl sir Iban's yes it will be added though initially it will require some items like west ardougne teleport tab, and later on it'll have more flexible options like walking, combat brace/camelot tab teleports etc. And toxic blowpipe will also be added, maybe even barrows repairing at POH too. But my main focus is GE restocking and trying to use as few prayer pots as possible per trip, this should result in an exponential increase in profit
  16. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Done added trial gl sir
  17. Appreciate it, I'll copy settings and do some more debugging My account atm is 90 mining I'm headed for amethysts at 92 so I will be using this as a test dummy
  18. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done added trial enjoy be sure to use the setting: [new mouse] and take breaks until you get mirror mode/vip. I would even do hardware mouse but it won't let you control mouse so it should ideally be done via sandboxie, either way join our discord for tips on best ways to bot
  19. Done added trial enjoy Small update on my accs just hit 96 rc Only 3 levels away from 99, very noice XD
  20. Hey mate welcome back I appreciate your concern about how the bot appears, but don't worry too much about it I have made sure everything is randomised to prevent bans. I can modify the behaviour so it matches your playstyle more, I'll add an option called [No camera movements] and perhaps an auto zoom feature like my agility bot has Have gotten many 99s and even recorded one so you're in good hands xD And yes I will add mouse off screen for karambwans too, I am always listening and am open to adding any features to this bot.
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