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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Pmed in discord if anyone wants good settings for best points lmk I'll share them here too
  2. Done added trial enjoy, good choice btw this is a really good moneymaker be sure to enable new mouse and check out GE restocking it's the best for automatic goldfarming
  3. Yes there is a way if you have the same paypal used mods can easily find it, give it a few hours for NA staff to login they are always on top of it
  4. Absolute legend this is why the botting community is great gl my friend I’ll share a few secrets with you on best ways to bot
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    There was a mass ban wave happening few days ago, new anti cheat specialist was hired (?) bans should settle down in a day or so
  6. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Added trials enjoy, be sure to use mirror mode + new mouse for best results, and check out the new mousewheel camera feature while it’s still fresh before any other scripter adds it xD
  7. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Sure I will help, first tell me your hp and woodcut level I’ll share my personal settings that have gotten me 99s ez
  8. Added trial enjoy Be sure to bot responsibly, use mirror mode + new mouse for best results
  9. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    For rune pouch: add it to bank withdraw list, right click it and select [deposit-block item] and the bot will use this for every trip Added all trials enjoy! Yesterday's update just went live, got another nice update coming added a few more behaviour options that have been suggested to me via disc/pm's. I will also be rewriting the system for reward potential in case a brother spawns before we get our %, small loophole which happens from time to time. Also trident of the sea patched too, you should see the bot recharging it perfectly (with all coins this time).
  10. Epic!! I love hearing good feedback like this, keep it up Hope to see some 99s from you
  11. I'll help you get started if you want I can show you my personal setup for certain ores, or if you want we can teamviewer and I'll do all the work for you. Or join our discord for tips/tricks
  12. Done added trial enjoy Herblore is one of the safest skills because it's a bankstander, so you shouldn't see any problems with bans. Only downside is that herblore is expensive to train
  13. Done added trial enjoy Be sure to use breaks for best results, and enable the [New Mouse] setting, you'll see amazing results
  14. Yes ships are supported but you need to have the gp in your inventory for it to work, using the webwalker system that osbot has Added trials gl guys, you picked a good skill I recommend botting Fresh start worlds, this bot supports those worlds fully
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I would do pickpocketing all the way, no stalls no chests they are too monotonous, I prefer to rely on the game's rng for antiban so men until 38, master farmers until 55, ardy knights until 82 then vyres/elves whenever you do the quests Also guys just a quick heads up, blackjacking is NOT supported I keep getting pm's about this. The thread says it's not supported for years now
  16. resolution is 2K res in case anyone asks, to save on time
  17. Fixed @GWizard, also fixed a nice scenario with al-kharid warriors and edgeville men, you should notice it working better. I'll be adding more paths as discussed on discord now just wanted to let everyone know about this update, happened yesterday @mariokiller64 I will take care of this ASAP. Just I need you to tell me how I can replicate this in my bot, so I set the bot to equip staff of fire, enable $ icon in armour, and let it run. I will copy these settings and do some debugging and post a new update. @Durden Sure I'll take a look at this, I thought I already fixed this before You using web-setting 1 or 2? Best way atm is to disable the warning (need to hop 7 times and enter) but until then I'll investigate why it's still happening and post a new update. Added all trials glglgl
  18. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Added trials gl guys Be sure to bot responsibly, use breaks, enable mirror mode + new mouse, and you're golden
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