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Smk Chronic

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  1. Good luck man I'm investing in my farm again, dropped $60 today in memberships, gold for materials, and proxies
  2. Jagex has profiled the actions of some scripts and daily ban the people matching those specific actions
  3. It is true - the OSBot market is a good place to start. I've used Playerauctions several times before and I feel that they are you best choice.
  4. Do you think that this will be high ban rate?
  5. Looks good so far bud. I always used bagged plants to get to 32 farming. Takes about an hour and a half to get it that way.
  6. 1) How experienced are you with botting? I have been botting since 2008. My goldfarming aspirations began in Feb 2014. My suicide gold farming accounts last me 1-3 weeks with the methods that I use. If you wish, you may contact me on skype and we could discuss my botting methods. 2) Do you have an account (Or multiple) w/ 30+ smithing? I have 2 accounts with 30 smithing. I have 1 more account active at the moment, which after completion the Knight's Sword, may be used. I propose that I could easily train my accounts to 60 smithing by superheating/smelting cannonballs (soonest availability would be this weekend). 3) Will you post proggies, feedback, and criticism in my threads? Of course! Good looks on the script!
  7. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/40022-post-your-irl-pictures/
  8. Look at this goon spilling his beer all over himself
  9. More than $2500+ in real life. Or cheat engine
  10. I've seen a lot of random events today but not worried
  11. I think that the $50 donor rank would be a nice addition to the $250 and $500 ranks. If someone buys it, it is because they wanted it.
  12. Smk Chronic

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    In my honest gold farming opinion, proxy support isn't necessary but definitely should be added soon.
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