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Trade With Caution
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About Ycd518

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  1. Yeah, Anne if you have been reading the freaking posts I have tried to help but he fucked it up good. Sorry, but nothing else I can do.
  2. Yeah, you are right. I quit rs and now I have to deal with this kid who fucked it up and is putting me through this shit.
  3. Yes, I am cooperating but they just aren't responding, I tried the normal recovery shit but still no answer. And if I recovered it myself, then I would have access to the account, the account wouldn't just be locked. It is not recovered by anyone as nobody has access to the account because this genius decided it would be wise to get someone ELSE onto the account.
  4. It is not rwt going in, its fucking account sharing, if you do not know thats against the rules then you should leave rs.
  5. Nope, just sent em an email.
  6. Des, I sent them an email like 2-3 days ago I still have gotten no reply. Maybe jagex just said fuck this guy he's obviously trying to Rwt lmfao.
  7. Also you had someone power level the account for you, showing that like 5 people have had access to the account within a few weeks. Not smart my man
  8. Yeah, it's hard to cooperate with a liar lmfao. It's impossible to do anything for u if u lie 24/7. I'm about to be done here, and with u.
  9. So it has been recovered now? You claim its recovered, yet its obviously not lmfao. You are lying to me on Skype. This is quite funny actually.
  10. I did not try and recover it yet because the account was locked, not hacked. Now apparently it has been fully hacked, which is technically impossible as the two people that would be able to recover the account do not have the account. The only way the account could be in some other persons possession is if he tried to sell the account and he changed the email. Notice how he never showed any proof that the account was locked, and he showed me on skype, recovery questions that do not even make sense to me as they are in a format I have never seen before and the questions just don't make sense and I don't even remember being a choice as recovery questions back in the day. It is obvious that something fishy is going on here, on his end.
  11. He says it is fully recovered now, but he's been trying to say that for a few days now when it obviously wasn't. The only person that would be able to recover it, though it would be practically impossible, said he didn't. And I didnt. Personally, from our convos on Skype and him trying to lie to me I think he sold the account off website and is trying to make me recover it for him to scam.
  12. Okay, first of all you paid 15m, trying to lie for 1m is just stupid. Second of all, if jagex is getting suspicious of activity, after 2 weeks, that's not my problem. If you are doing something dumb with the account and you get it in trouble, and get it locked, not my responsibility.
  13. Post pics. of like all the topics, quests, cash etc
  14. Yeah, for about 2 weeks then I took a break for about 3 days then started again, banned after 3 days of doing like 18/7
  15. Got my first ban today, a real eye opener. Rip a nice account. Luckily my second wasn't banned a long with it.
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