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    United Kingdom

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  1. Jeff

    Douchebag get off osbot you scammer

    1. Waldo


      Are you joking?


    2. kindalikeshakur


      You recovered my OSBot accounts you sold me. lol

  2. All he wants for his birthday, is a big booty hoe. But when he dies Just remember to bury him in the gucci store.
  3. I know my question sounds dumb lol. But it just entered my head when i sent the report, wanted to just clarify.
  4. I'm aware when you report someone for offensive language, it takes a screenshot as evidence of the offence. Now, if i'm using the client, pause the script and report someone spamming my pm with offensive language, will the screenshot show the third party client? or will it just come across as a default Runescape page? Basically... do you think the screenshot will show the script paint/client?
  5. Smart on the far left, Catastrophe on the Right.
  6. That's not my real name on the channel, it's a spoof name.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9ocr_oarzk Little video i created this morning, i hope you guys enjoy the humor.
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