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  1. Good to see you back.
  2. Digzey

    Experiment #2

    Not to rain on your parade, but your comment about it being a 13year old's project is opionated. Not disagreeing with the other points you made though, on a usability side of the design not much has changed and colour is always key to peoples judgement. I would redesign a functional dynamic standalone webpage instead of this static tablet marketed webpage that we have.
  3. Mine, When i rerelease
  4. Hey, what exactly do you need help with? Using the Bank part of the API?
  5. whats half of a Gp? Because thats 400x as much as id trust!
  6. Correction: Correction: If you have previously owned an Xbox 360, get a PS4. If you have previously owned a PS3, get a PS4.
  7. Couldn't you use if (RandomEventSolver.GetCurrent() == "PRISON_PETE") { } or equiv? Haven't tried to check tbh
  8. Hey Website admin/ Designer/ Developer, As a web developer myself I can see why updates have been made to the osbot homepage, however the links at the top do need some work, it doesn't promote interactivity and feel's very static. The titles also lack visual attraction, they are very dull colour's, this is a very bad usability design, To attract more users to the Osbot community this needs to change. I'm not saying confidently it will deffer new users but generally if a website doesn't look dynamic and to a certain standard people think poorly of it, either it being false or untrustworthy. Anyways sorry for the little criticisms, just trying to help to expand this community, If you have any arguments with what i'm saying i would like to hear them. Thanks For Reading
  9. Thinking about updates

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