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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Kami

  1. are you mirror botting on the same ip?

    when your dump acc got banned on the same ip, your other mirror bots didnt get banned?


    I rotate accounts and sometimes I do two, and no the other mirro bots did not get banned. Which I thought was weird because I botted the banend acc for 4 hours I switched to my main account to bot the same thing for 6 hours and didn't get banned.


    edit: I just realised could have been delay ban, but I ran the banned account for a pretty long time compared to my other accounts. I was trying to get fishing up quick.

  2. Was the account purely botted on mirror client?


    Edit: From creation and onward is my question, btw.


    It was botted after I legitely did waterfall quest, obtained 15 agility and 5 fishing.

    That's a shame...  I'm nervous to bot now..


    You shouldn't be! I'm still going to be botting as I know what I did wrong with this account. Which was having sketchy names =/

    Some serious progress which in my opinion could not be done without using Mirror! Were the accounts perm banned?


    Only the account I mentioned without screenshot got banned and yes unfortuaently got perm banned :(

    My main account is going strong now for 3 weeks or so.


    This should actually encourage you.

    Yes, it should.


    Mirror is da bomb

    Yup :)

  3. I was running this account for less than 2 weeks on mirror, can't blame mirror though I was botting about 10-15 hours a day lol. I did however make it to 80 fishing, 53 agility, 53 strength, and 55 smithing. Also got to note my log in name was pretty sketchy, it was fakeeamail###@something.com and the display name was fakeemail##. Going to play it better on my next accounts.

    Don't get me wrong guys Mirror mode is pretty damn good, just look at this main account I've been making

    edit: forgot to mention that these accounts are 100% on mirror client only.

    edit2: also got 70 range (40-70)



    Botting about 10 hours a day on it. Courtesy of Czar scripts, Ares Scripts, and Divinity's Rooftop smile.png


    Also just started this account 3 days ago




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  4. What is it you require? : firecape

    What price are you wanting to pay? : according to price guide should be 6m, can be discussed

    Are you going first or will we use an MM? : first

    What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : the sooner the better

    Do you agree to TOS? : yes

    Have you added my Skype or Shai's?: both


    Finished your cape


  5. If it's Dynamic you can change it by unpluging your router for a minute then plug it back in and wait for it to boot up. If it's static you can't chage it easily but could call up your ISP and see what they could do for you. You can check for changes in your IP  by googling my IP and record result before and after. GL :)

  6. What is it you require? : firecape

    What price are you wanting to pay? : according to price guide should be 6m, can be discussed

    Are you going first or will we use an MM? : first

    What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : the sooner the better

    Do you agree to TOS? : yes

    Have you added my Skype or Shai's?: both


    Message me on Skype bro.

  7. I was using khal rc with mirror mode when i got banned. Thank you a lot  for suggestion.

    Thank you a lot for this suggestion, i might do this!


    I'd also suggest for you to switch up your scripts, so maybe run iCannonballs for some time then switch to RC and then to Fleshes to reduce the chance of a ban. I wouldn't bot 1 thing for days on end.

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  8. Do waterfall quest + tee gnome village + fight arena (get 13 magic first for boss fights) and then bot fleshes with a rune scim on def to about 30 and then start training str. You could then invest into Ares iCannonballs (script is $3). Obtain 30 smithing by doing knights sword and spend less than 10k for iron bars to 30 smithing. Smith steel bars to 35 and then use those steel bars to make cballs. Gainz?


    Once you've gotten some decent stats with fleshes do Khal rc for more gainz

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