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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Kami

  1. It's all high lvl wild, such as lava dragons and rune rocks (east and west of the rocks is multi) Minor pure pking low level multi but not much action. You can also check pvp worlds at fally, teams go there sometimes (mainly pures).


    What is it you require? : Fighter Torso

    What price are you wanting to pay? : 4.5m

    Are you going first or will we use an MM? : I'll go first

    What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : by today

    Do you agree to TOS? : of course!

    Have you added my Skype or Shai's?: yes smile.png



    Worker will begin in about an hour on this.


    What is it you require? : 65-70 str from 51, prefer non botted

    What price are you wanting to pay? : no idea?

    Are you going first or will we use an MM? : going first

    What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : 2 days

    Do you agree to TOS? : yes

    Have you added my Skype or Shai's?: not yet give me ur skype^^



    live:xgate1996  (Kami)

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