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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Kami

  1. Not geting someone 4 WC levels because they did not read my ToS.



    It's an ultra rare drop from Lanzig, Yes.  Nobody does it that way.




    Either way he's still in bounds of completing the quest. The choice is then yours work him to get 4 wcing lvls, get them youreself, or do it the melee route.

    • Like 1
  2. As a service owner you should always keep your customers happy. Having that in your TOS = you're just trying to sneak away from not completing the order and keeping the money.


    Very unprofessional and should not consider yourself a service owner.


    Why not just have customers provide extra gp so you can buy the things yourself. not hard to go to ge.




    As in ex service owner I agree with this. Even when there was some stat needed I would ask the customer to go get the level and we can continue or you can pay for us to do it. Sometimes when there level was really close we'd do it free of charge ourselves because it's really not that big a deal.

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  3. Asked me for Recruitment drive, MM, Fremmy trials, did the first two and was halfway through the last one when I couldn't get further. He's making it seem like I logged on his acc "OOH, you're missing a bucket, TY FOR 4M"


    So I actually wasted time on it and turned down an offer from Swindle because I was busy with his order.


    I heard it was because of 4 wcing lvls to I think Fremnick trials and you don't actually need the wcing lvl you can take the melee route.




    Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

  4. Oh nice but 10m profit for 10 hours a day in a month isn't really amazing but thanks for sharing


    Yeah but like I said in my last post I didn't bot only blast furnace, it's a main I'm working on for myself so I have it running cb/fishing/agility/smithing atm. If I ran just blast furnace  for 10+ hours a day I'd probably be looking at 4-6m profit ea day.

  5. . Thanks bro what smithing is that account and how long have u bot per day also how much profit did u make in a month that's insane


    I wasn't doing just bf but it's currently 75 smithing and I think I've made 10m+ profit, I don't really keep track of my profit =/. I bot usually 10+ hours each day.

  6. I got one more question how long do the accounts usually last don't want to get an acc buy mem and loose cash Ya no so what's on avg 2 accounts this script mirro client and non mirror


    With mirror you'll probably go very far with no ban. I'm a month with botting mirror only and I'm at some pretty good stats. 0 bans. Not sure with non mirror never used.

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