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Jellybean last won the day on July 5 2013

Jellybean had the most liked content!

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    Right behind you..

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Black Poster

Black Poster (5/10)



  1. Aurora hacked an account of mine. Great warning.
  2. And this may be why I was keylogged. Ty for the warning
  3. Jellybean

    1M+/hour guide

    This isn't EOCscape. 150k is actually worth something in OSRS. -.-
  4. This issue needs to be resolved. The community is getting split apart and people are leaving over this. Jus my opinion LOL Maldesto voted. xD
  5. I believe you may have double thread posted LOL. Anyways, I really hope this poll isn't shut down. It would be nice to see what the community thinks.
  6. Nice I can script fine for color bots and such in pascal but I;m new to Java. This will be helpful for me . Thanks!
  7. Very nice stream. I'm trying to learn to script and I'm sure this will help.
  8. Meee I have rome total war, barbarian invasion expansion pack, Medieval 2 , Shogun 2. Ofc I'm looking foward to RTW2.
  9. Jellybean

    BETA v1.7.11

    Nice release. Now time to reset my bots
  10. This is great news. Cograts to Meire & Brito Automation BV.
  11. Jellybean

    I'm op.

    Im on a full page of loses lol. I dont really play much anymore tho, only ARAM when I have time.
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