Your code is very.. interesting; you should stick to making smaller projects to help you learn rather than waste a lot of time hard-coding an application. Here are some good projects you can do to improve .
A few tips based on the program you made - Think about how you want the program to run before you start coding, you hard-coded a lot because you didn't build logic into your program (i.e. you could have grabbed data online and do categorizing like this - if scimitar is present in name the weapon is a melee weapon). Use a settings class for variables, especially variables you may need to change ( Actually give butonns/labels etc names so you don't need to view the designer to understand what you're doing. Re-use code (i.e. when you hid all the buttons you could have just put it in a method and re-used it for other buttons). Finally, make methods for each thing you want done, don't just jumble it all up in a button and call it a day.
Good effort though, c# master-race.