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osrs owner

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osrs owner last won the day on February 10

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  1. Gets stuck an awful lot, gets stuck re arranging invo, gets stuck getting a rock, havent gotten a kill yet just keeps going in and out of cave untill out of brews @Malcolm is this being updated anymore?
  2. Do I need VIP along with bot manager to run multiple accounts? Thanks
  3. Wont let me run multiple accounts with Bot manager subscription? Do i need to pay for VIP as well? Thanks
  4. @Token Looking at add anymore quests in the long run?
  5. @Malcolm @Juggles Have noticed nothing has been done about this yet, still refuses to teleport to Mithril Dragons, why the hell am I paying yous $10 a month for a script that doesnt fucking work, pull ya bloody heads in and do something about it already
  6. @Malcolm Mithril dragons bugging, gets everything needed just doesn’t teleport, teleport to help it still just stands there, jump into the pool to help it it just teleports back out
  7. My bad, Mithril dragons Both blue to me
  8. Still fucking bullshit, i have posted many time before that it does not walk to blue dragons and nothing has been done about it, its quite disappointing, its a monthly cost to run a script that does not work... get you're shit together and start fixing some problems with the script!! [09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 0 - Slayer helmet [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 1 - Fire cape [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 2 - Amulet of fury [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 3 - Ghrazi rapier [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 4 - Bandos chestplate [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 5 - Dragonfire shield [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 6 - Bandos tassets [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 7 - Bronze gloves [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 8 - Dragon boots (g) [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Adding gear in slot: 9 - Ring of life [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Duradel selected [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Set eating theshold: 70-40 [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:53 PM]: Grab data [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: Added: Games necklace( to list of items for the task [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: Added: Prayer potion(4) to list of items for the task [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: Added: Dragonfire shield to list of items for the task [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: Added: Extended super antifire(4) to list of items for the task [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: Set task: Mithril dragon [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:57 PM]: Open bank [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:59 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:59 PM]: hasDeposited [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:57:59 PM]: Deposit all items [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:00 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:00 PM]: withdrawItems [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:07 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:07 PM]: withdrawItems [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:07 PM]: Withdraw required items [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:07 PM]: Grabbing Item: Extended super antifire(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:13 PM]: Grabbing Item: Games necklace( [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:16 PM]: Grabbing Item: Prayer potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: withdrawItems [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: Withdraw potions [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: Get potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: Get super combat pot [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:22 PM]: Grabbing Item: Super combat potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Super combat potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: withdrawItems [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Grab glory [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:26 PM]: Withdraw glory from bank [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:29 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:29 PM]: withdrawItems [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:29 PM]: Get food [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:33 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:33 PM]: withdrawItems [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:36 PM]: Drink prayer [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:38 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:38 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:38 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:39 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:39 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:40 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:40 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:42 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:42 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:43 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:43 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:44 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:44 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:45 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:45 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:46 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:46 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:48 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:48 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:49 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:49 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:50 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:50 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:51 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:51 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:51 PM]: Terminating script UltimateSlayer... [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:51 PM]: Shutting down script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][09/07 06:58:51 PM]: Script UltimateSlayer has exited!
  9. doesnt seems to walk to Mithril dragons
  10. Had problems with Greater Demons and I think it was dust devils, not 100% sure just come across another thing as well, noticed it didn’t put on selected armour after a GWD task
  11. Gets stuck in the same area for multiple tasks, not just Greater Demons [INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:18 PM]: Fight[INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:18 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:41 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. last: [Climb-down] => Staircase; pos = [x=1666, y=3565, z=0]; [INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:41 PM]: Fight [INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:41 PM]: wearingSlayerGeartrue [INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:45 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because script executor paused. [INFO][Bot #1][07/28 08:18:45 PM]: Script UltimateSlayer has paused!
  12. Could i possibly have more time, haven't gotten to use it yet
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