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  1. Thanks! Is it hard to find? A would really like a hcim which isnt new, sorry mate.
  2. Hey! just got back to osrs again and wanted to buy an HCIM account. Max i can pay is about 160m nothing more. post offers here or PM me
  3. i would say 200m, as i understand it the bank Counts as normal Money and then the account Counts as a normal account. thats what people told me when i price checked mine.
  4. I am looking for something better sorry
  5. hi! i am looking for ironman account. the higher stats the better! i am willing to pay up to 150m osrs gp. please post offers here or PM me
  6. 111cb with all voids and fcape, only quests need to be done, interested?
  7. bump, now first account autowin set to 30m and 2nd accounts 2m
  8. i never deleted the bank pin, but i can and i can wait till its gone but the account isnt for sale anymore.
  9. Account 1 is not sellable anymore. so i got 2 accounts left
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