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  1. paint got stuck at showing that we have cut 8-9 trees even thought we have cut 100-200 trees. That is at least at cutting normal logs maybe also at oak but havent noticed in that. also it would be good if paint showing woodcutting level.
  2. journey

    Stealth Quester

    i ran to continue the romeo and juliet quest and returning from the south entrance of varrock. as i approach, the mages start shooting me and until i reach the entrance i have died. Also lately i die on the Ernest the chicken quest from the skeleton 22 level. perhaps if the char sustained some running power for that skeleton he would survived.
  3. journey

    Stealth Quester

    I keep dying from the mages in varrock south entrance. I am talking about lvl 3 chars without combat experience which are easy targets. can you input a way not to go near them when need to pass through that entrance? Or is it osbot webwalking client issue?
  4. i am always at your disposal for finding bugs and improving your scripts
  5. Script doesn't stops.I have to manually press stop to close.It just sits infront of adventurer jon running for hours.
  6. is there a way to input in a text a specific name for the char?or at least a way to make it not creating names with spaces?
  7. Hi all. Need to ask, does the cli command lowresource really works. i have tried many times but bot char doesn't load.it didnt get me any errors but i put a normal char watching where the bot supposed to be and noone logged. Perhaps the scripter must include the code for it? Or i am doing something wrong. also nointerface option is not working at all. I choose that and nothing happens.it didn't open anything in the windows process. Thanks for your replies.
  8. I also had this problem in the morning edit: i cant seem to load any bot client.bot is down for me.is it down for everyone or only me?
  9. i load via cli 20 chars for tutorial island. some they were getting the too many connections error. and some they were not even loading the client. example the photo: https://imgur.com/a/TIlNbyI how to bypass the too many connections limit? and why the black screen on osbot?
  10. now it is working good completing the tutorial but even thought i have checked to go to ge after completion it gets stuck at adventurer jon.And then if i manualy close the dialogue he opens the settings-> side bar settings and stays there.not moving to ge.
  11. ok i found out that the bot i was testing the scipt was inapropriet for testing cause it was created in version 2.09 and i just hit continue each time and it was in a new different rs ui so it was doomed to failed each time.....but in a new char that has the old ui, even thought it can complete the tutorial,it gets stuck in the begining.more specific: https://imgur.com/a/wPOBjIv and after that it gets stuck at 2nd photo,
  12. Guys does the script work for you? cause on me it gets stuck at various spots.it tries to click at wrong things. for example clicking the axe in inventory in the fight the rat section. will we have a working script? i am waiting for days to bot and i cant..... edit ok version 2.11 is broken. continuously clicking at irrelevant things .mostly out of screen. I am doing something wrong?
  13. I input in custom location tab the option stop bot when level is reached: skill woodcutting at 15 lvl and the bot keep chopping. What i am doing wrong?
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