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Everything posted by Maikie61

  1. Niet doen, aub! Anders krijg ik weer huisarrest zoals de vorige keer. ------------------------------------------------- To be honest, I didn't even know I had that in my signature. I don't even remember adding it.
  2. Maar ik post amper. I wish there was a user called OP is a faggot here.
  3. It has been there for two months already. Edit: Wow, they deleted it. R.I.P. my signature.
  4. I hope you realise Minecraft sometimes requires personal questions to be answered in order to log in. They are useless.
  5. OP has no phone, no desktop, no tablet. Only a laptop. OPs a poor, black guy.
  6. Carry me to Silver

    1. Ironhide


      For the right price ;)

    2. Maikie61


      Pffffttt, you earn enough from botting :(

  7. VIP? Why? :p

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RoomScape


      I don't see ads regardless, so I don't care about that. I don't bot, so I don't care about gold farming.

    3. Maikie61


      Well I meant ads within the bot, but you don't bot, so you wouldn't know about that. :p

    4. RoomScape


      Oh. Botting is lame.

      I had sponsor on pb and didn't even use their bot, so why does VIP matter? Lol.

  8. U shud be mod on pb, not here

  9. Fail & Trial Mod? Wut. What's the difference between a Trial Mod and a real moderator?
  10. This is a spam post because OP said there wasn't enough spam.
  11. Leeching I'll gift you 1K RP if you manage to get admin here. :3 Do a good word to Maldesto about me, because I'm Totally Legit all over the place. :3
  12. Chatbox assistant what
  13. PWNSTER pls, he is elitist Jk, he sucks.
  14. You took the PiP & idea from another botting site, goodjob!
  15. Bronze 2 is hell. :(

  16. Thank you, I was trolling Roomscape with something that happened on another site. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RoomScape
    3. Maikie61


      No, I'm not gay. :o

      Okay, maybe a little. :(

    4. RoomScape


      It's ok, bro.

      Acceptance is the first step.

  17. OP is still a scammer. He imposters himself. :3
  18. Some people are uncarryable...
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