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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. Yeah, that's currently your best bet for now, as the script currently does not support the Tool Leprechaun as of yet!
  2. This button is not made to load multiple profiles as the settings for the script. All the button does is refresh the list of profiles, in case a manual refresh is needed.
  3. Thanks for the information & offering for me to leave this be as is right now. That being said, I do want to resolve this issue, by at least implementing the quickfix we talked about. Chance is you'll have to remind me a couple more times before I'll actually be able to do this, but I'm most definitely planning to actually work on this. Please do not hesitate to remind me about this on Discord every 2 days!
  4. V2.43 has been pushed. This version removes the non-existing image . It should be live within 24 hours from now.
  5. I totally forgot myself as well. I'm not sure if I'll have some time today. Please try and remind me tomorrow again, my agenda is really flooded as of now.
  6. Glad to hear, thanks! As for the oak dungeon doors, unfortunately, I am currently not planning on adding these in!
  7. Tell me when the account is ready .
  8. No worries. Trial granted! As for the RSGP; you'll have to find somebody in the OSBot Discord who's able to sell you an OSBot Store Voucher!
  9. I suppose you posted on the incorrect thread?
  10. All right, got it. Please remind me about this in a couple of hours, so I could potentially look into this tomorrow. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  11. Ah that's what you meant. I'm sorry, I can add a keybinding for your preferred object which will make the script use the keybinding instead of the mouse when building. I won't, however, specifically make what you requested for a specific object.
  12. All right, thanks a lot for letting me know! I currently don't have something in mind that could potentially prevent this issue from happening in mirror mode. What I could do, however, is make some sort of xp tracker that'd leave the room if it hasn't gained any experience in X amount of minutes. What do you think?
  13. Which exact table are you referring to & what is the keybinding for it?
  14. Is there any chance you could lend me an account I could use to look into this? You're definitely mistaking about buying multiple of my scripts, I don't have a blast furnace script.
  15. I haven't been paying attention to OSRS updates lately; have any changes been made to construction?
  16. Sounds good & this is much appreciated, thanks!
  17. Thank you for the information, I appreciate it. Have you only been using/experiencing this in mirror mode? Is there any chance you would be willing to use injection mode to see if the problem persists on here as well?
  18. Does it only fix it if you move west, or does it work if you move into any general direction?
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