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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. Of course, anything is possible. You'd just have to find a way to have them communicate properly with one another. Sockets would probably be your best bet there, as stated by @Gunman
  2. Please send me a message on Discord concerning this, we'll continue to look into what's going on there
  3. Could you show me a screenshot & the logger?
  4. This script is no longer available.
  5. Sure thing. Both trials granted .
  6. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Re-granted.
  7. I did this on purpose because otherwise ban complaints will go through the roof. Sure thing. Trial granted .
  8. Sure thing. Trial granted . Could you join the discord and message me concerning this, telling me exactly what traversing method you've chosen as well?
  9. Please carefully read the startup instructions on the first page of the topic.
  10. Could you send me a message on Discord with the exact patch and tree you're using?
  11. I'm afraid that I'm currently not at liberty to add any more traversing methods in there as my personal agenda is quite packed these days. There's already quite the number of available methods in there .
  12. Yeah, the script currently does not support the usage of the spellbook I'm afraid.
  13. I don't have one for you available but you might be successful asking in the Discord.
  14. sure thing. Trial granted .
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