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Everything posted by Delta

  1. This is pretty annoying but xCode is only for Windows, from what I have gathered, so no development here
  2. That looks really awesome, seems much cleaner than how android is development. Definitely going to have a go
  3. Delta

    IRL Runescape

    guys you made my day with this hahahaha
  4. yeah i got quite a few too -> link nowhere near as much as that guy, its probably forum adding more than what is needed, or he could be like auto refreshing the page constantly haha
  5. I do not like cats, they eat my doves
  6. Delta


    I can vouch for harrynoob, give him the rank now, you might as well, if he does not get it now, he will get it a bit later like usual :p
  7. Just one thing, don't use while loops, use conditionalsleep. Haha. No the "while" command is not there as a loop, its a keyword as in, run this while the main action is executed. Obviously it would need refining and there are probably better words to use but i gave this as an example
  8. I would like to see some sql style code implemented into this or xml formatting. This would be a good feature to implement, the user would write a line of code for each method like this: Method 1 -> IF PlayerHP >= 30 THEN kill nearest npc(id/name) WHILE run(AntibanMethod) Each method will have a certain condition, a set action and a possible "while" action to do when the main action is being executed. This would require basically a small compiler that would analyse the statement and transform it to java. Saying that would be pushing it a bit though, so it is possible to create a very generic class and fill in parameters of the condition, main action and have it done like that.
  9. Just a note, do not make things out of sheer boredom because they end up being low quality. If you want me to CC some of your code, then send me a message on Skype. I do not have an 07 account so I cannot really make full scripts, this then is next best option
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