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Trade With Caution
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Status Updates posted by crazyftw

  1. wtf nobody posted on your wall since i was gone ya nub xxx

  2. saw your scam report was about to use those faggots lol i hope you get refunded

    1. Sylveon


      haha well glad i could help

  3. i'm seeing how active you are on the dispute section and changing the forums very good job maldesto

  4. what does raflesia mean? like i'm watching an anime and they keep mentioning it is it peace related?

  5. snorry

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Anne


      Ah wa , zo raar

    3. crazyftw


      idd... maar kzie al 2 belge op deze site pretty creepy

    4. Anne
  6. nice irl pic LOL

    1. Levi


      Thank you :3

  7. try to control the orgasm tho
  8. why are you so scary :o

    1. Jordan
    2. crazyftw


      yea idk i never see you joke around .. like always srs losen the fk up anyways you're doing a great job even though i don't know you and i do know gilgad levi and mikasa

    3. Jordan
  9. i would fuck those woman but you are acting very unsexy removing my threads and posts ! :(

  10. i love you :( there i said it... no homo tho

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