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Everything posted by Deceiver

  1. u boss new now? old boss gone?
  2. Deceiver


    @Solution for demote perm afk
  3. 7m sig so i can eat lunch and you wont be disappointed
  4. pm me if you still want it x) pm me if you still want it x)
  5. saiyan likes dick noses
  6. 1. Pictures of the account stats acc #1 - skiller acc #2 - pure aw: 40m 2. Pictures of the login details acc #1 - skiller acc #2 - pure 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) acc #1 - skiller prospector outfit acc #2 - pure bearhead - 2 rfd books empty 4. Pictures of the quests completed acc #1 - skiller some f2p ones - 16 qp acc #2 - pure 59 qp - most pure quests no mith gloves 7. The methods of payment you are accepting gp or pp 8. Your trading conditions you first on both, or mm u choose 9. Pictures of the account status acc #1 - skiller acc #2 - pure 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address i am OO to both - email(s) will be changed to yours after purchase
  7. hell ye 0, OO is friend aff tomikhan...
  8. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed 10qp total, basic 7qp quests 7. The methods of payment you are accepting gp, pp 8. Your trading conditions you first 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address off-site owner, email will be changed to yours
  9. the only solution is to eat her after you dismember her
  10. kk u frist i have more fb
  11. reported bc i report everyone at mlm
  12. if its not a diff whats teh point of posting the gainz o,o
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