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Everything posted by Deceiver

  1. Deceiver


    Report the thread next time, it's easier.
  2. crazy in the membrane
  3. all one acc ty ty sold
  4. 86 days left of membership rs3: t2 slayer helm / full bandos / sgs / working on t3 (final) slayer helm / usual quests done (MM/Lost city/) / just did world wakes tbh this acc is fully botted, but i do quests n stuff so yeah osrs: (i dont really play 07 sry) (mm done, i dont think lost city is, but all f2p done besides black knights n shield of arrav) darkscape: (sik)
  5. User has been notified and placed in TWC. He has 24 hours to reply.
  6. they are literally rigged by code so you lose (a lot) more than what you begin (and possibly add to) with. no point in gambling on rs gambling sites.
  7. u cant chargeback OSRS gp
  8. this is maldesto speaking
  9. http://desktopography.net/ sickest stuff there bois
  10. Sorry for the loss. You can leave the negative feedback, @League Of Smurfs has 24 hours to refund, if not, he will be banned.
  11. i like bossing but most rsps bosses are poorly coded n broekn
  12. wat features about the rsps's (if u play) do u like the most
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