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Scripter I
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  1. https://gyazo.com/4548b43fc13e356bd49cb1c619669aed# Gl!
  2. This is correct. I can't remember the source I read this from, but it modifies the client code responsible for the new afk timer so the account can remain logged in up to the 6hr original limit.
  3. Try using puppeteer if you have issues with selenium detection as that might bypass most browser flags. Either way you will have to use 2captcha just one method might get you the cheaper to solve ones.
  4. Pending SDN Approval! Live on the SDN! What does the script do? - The script will automate the fetching of spices required for skill level boosts. It does this by chasing the rats within Evil Dave's lair and looting every spice which is dropped. How do I use the script? - 1. Start the script anywhere near Edgeville bank / Evil Dave's Lair 2. Have a fully grown cat that is currently following you 3. Select your cat from the GUI and enjoy! Troubleshooting - Running the script with a Kitten is supported although the user must ensure the Kitten doesn't turn into a fully grown cat during runtime.
  5. It wasn't typing due to me using the wrong function for typing as nBacon mentioned. Should have used getKeyboard.typeKey()
  6. Ahh my bad I didn't check the keycode range, this solution is better so go with this :p.
  7. Holy shit dude that's some extremely overkill code. Just do the following: (note indents are messed up for whatever reason.) public void randomKey() throws InterruptedException{ int random_length = random(n); // put the length you want your names to go up to as n for (int i = 0; i < random_length; i=i+1){ int X = random(48, 90); getKeyboard.pressKey(x); sleep(random(x,y); } } The following code will randomly generate a value from 0-9, a-z (Key codes 48 -> 90) and then loop for the max length you wish your name to be. In the loop it will type random characters that it generates. That should put you on the right lines. Don't believe you have to releaseKey() either when typing. I might be mistaken however and referring to another function.
  8. Hey guys, I'm looking for someone to do a cheap and simple logo for my first free script. Hit me up on discord and I can explain my requirements. Discord: Impensus#2428 Cheers!
  9. Willing to take 70m to just get rid of the account if either of you are interested.
  10. 1. Pictures of the account stats - https://gyazo.com/2432b7b0ed56a82770298f96b17bcfe8 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) - https://gyazo.com/3c827477bb42ff580469f85e77c98524 3. Pictures of the quests completed - Just quests for NMZ (MTD) 4. The price you will be starting bids at - 30m 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account - 90m 6. The methods of payment you are accepting Bitcoin / RSGP 7. Your trading conditions - MM or I go first 8. Pictures of the account status - https://gyazo.com/4f69621a97fcb656574d0a4aeaa0d6dc 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address - I am the OO. I own the email which this account belongs to.
  11. What types of skill would you like 3 ticking? I'm gonna start the script today/tomorrow most likely. Could you reply to my question on discord so I know the best way to create the script?
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