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Zach last won the day on March 11 2016

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  1. #GiveRaffyMorePower

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Led Zeppelin

      Led Zeppelin

      Well i understand mate and i have deep respect for you (much more than the other admins) but the fact of the matter now, is that raffy is the community manager and he is getting exhausted of it. He and you and the devs need to really talk to him about this soon because i know he is too nice himself to say anything about it. He just takes it and it draws him thin. Pls pls talk to him, even that i feel would help the situation.

    3. Zach


      Unfortunately, I don't like getting involved in forum issues. That's always been my position on these matters. I have a lot of things I'm concerned about besides OSBot (honestly, OSBot is low on my priority list right now). If there is something that needs to be done, fine, but otherwise, I have a lot of other things in life to focus on. So don't expect me to go crazy looking for issues and stuff, because that isn't going to happen. I'm normally the least involved in forums (until Maxi had some things come up). Raflesia knows that and that's probably why he hasn't bothered me about it.

    4. Led Zeppelin

      Led Zeppelin

      Well that is fine but Maxi and Laz need to talk to him about it.

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