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  1. Sorry guys, teeth are hurting way to bad for doing this right now.. later okay Thanks for stopping by!
  2. www.twitch.tv/ListenOnRepeat Hope you guys enjoy, say who you are and i may hook you up with some free stuff..!! MAYBE
  3. No, i would leave that forum. To many people would abuse the power. But if someone said hey bribe me, i'd just... leave. simple enough.
  4. What are they? Are they funny? Music maybe? [youtubeREMOVE] LINK HERE [/youtubeREMOVE]
  5. ScorpioZ is the verified seller, he is involved in my shop. We are 50/50.
  6. I actually just shaved so gg.
  7. Beard or non-beard. Be honest please. non-beard beard
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