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    RuneScape, Problem Solving

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  1. Hello , here is a working Canifis Rooftop Agility I've only put a couple hours in this so it is kind of messy, and the Lap counter does not work properly. It gets around 13kxp/hr I'm not very good with methods, however I think this can be created more efficiently by created a Method uses AREA and ENTITY Arguments for each case. Enjoy, and feel free to share ideas to improve the script, thanks! Download: http://www.filedropper.com/canifisagility EXTRACT INTO "C:/*/OSBot/Scripts"
  2. I like this for(int i = 0; i < 100 && !myPlayer().isUnderAttack(); i++) { sleep(20, 40); } Good job
  3. :P , it is fresh account. Thanks, looking for some feedback on the methods I've used. Improvements are always nice
  4. Start South of the Skeletons over the River in Varrock Sewers. Can be used from 30+ range. 30 15k /hr (No breaks) 50 20k /hr (No breaks) 60 25k /hr (No breaks) 30 - 70 Range takes 5 normal days WITH breaks. Safemode keeps player in a position to get the best XP/HR as well as preventing character from running around the river. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done :-) Download it here: http://www.filedropper.com/ranged Extract into OSBOT/Scripts"
  5. So this works well while safe spotting a group of NPC's as it will randomly sleep for a little while and then prepare to attack the next enemy, maximizing range experience. Check if you are ranging the same target method: (Works only solo or multi-combat zones) public boolean isSkeleton() { NPC Skeleton = npcs.closest(Skeletons, "Skeleton"); if (Skeleton.isUnderAttack()) { return true; } else return false; } You should be able to make a case alone to Target the NPC, if not: case KILL: log("case KILL:"); NPC Skeleton = npcs.closest(Skeletons, "Skeleton"); NPC FarSkeleton = npcs.closest(FarSkeletons, "Skeleton"); if (RangeSpot.contains(myPlayer())) { if (Skeleton != null && !myPlayer().isInteracting(Skeleton)) { if (Skeleton.getAnimation() != 5491) Skeleton.interact("Attack"); } else if (Skeleton == null) { log("Attacking far Skeletons...."); FarSkeleton.interact("Attack"); localWalker.walk(RangeSpot, true); sleep(random(1000,2000)); FarSkeleton.interact("Attack"); } } else if(!RangeSpot.contains(myPlayer())) { SafeSpot.interact(bot,"Walk here"); } This is what we will be doing after attacking, random sleep/skill check and then wait until 1 HP. case IDLE: log("case IDLE:"); sleep(random(1000, 3500)); int random = random(0, 10); log(random); while (myPlayer().isAnimating()) { NPC Skele = npcs.closest(Skeletons, "Skeleton"); if (random < 2) tabs.getSkills().hoverSkill(Skill.RANGED); else if (random == 3) tabs.getSkills().hoverSkill(Skill.RANGED); else if (random == 4) tabs.getSkills().hoverSkill(Skill.HITPOINTS); else if (random == 5) { if (isSkeleton() == true) camera.toEntity(Skele); } else if (random > 5) { mouse.moveRandomly(); if (random == 6) sleep(random(2000, 3000)); else if (random == 7) sleep(random(3000, 4000)); else if (random == 8) sleep(random(4000, 5000)); else if (random >= 9) sleep(random(5000, 6000)); } log("Attacking next Skeleton.."); NPC nextSkele = npcs.closest(Skeletons,"Skeleton"); if (isSkeleton() == false); nextSkele.interact("Attack"); } if (random % 3 == 0) tabs.open(Tab.INVENTORY); mouse.moveRandomly(); break; If there are more efficient methods I would be glad to see them.
  6. PM any issues you have and what you are trying to do and I can help out
  7. Acinate

    Im out

    hq af Gl, I also like bike riding I feel you man.
  8. RS2Widget enterAmount = widgets.get(548,120); if (smeltSelect != null) { smeltSelect.interact("Smelt X"); sleep(random.nextInt(100) * 100); } if (enterAmount != null) { Dialogue is HERE , need method to Type into it. } ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED Solution: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Keyboard.html keyboard.typeString(" Message here: ");
  9. private final String bankBooth = "Bank Booth"; Entity booth = getObjects().closest(bankBooth); if (booth != null) { camera.toPosition(booth.getPosition()); } /* or */ Entity booth = getObjects().closest(bankBooth); if (booth != null) { camera.toPosition(new Position(booth.getPosition())); } all I can think of
  10. Version = 0.2 -Now supports Iron -Start in Al Kharid Bank Sources:: MoltenGlassMaker: Iron Smelter:
  11. Only account that you directly bot will be banned, if you do not bot your main, or use the injection client to play on your main you should be safe.
  12. The simpler the less buggy too! I would do same, but he wants a more complex script I guess
  13. Basically you start at the mine, and hover over the tile you are stand on, then click on by one on minimap, recording every tile you land on until you get to the bank. private Position[] bankPath = { new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0) }; ^(This goes where you define your variables, top of script) Fill in the x and y coordinate, leave the 0 (that is Z but you don't need to change for this script.) Then to activate the walker do: getLocalWalker().walkPath(bankPath);
  14. Here is how I would go about doing this; Entity Cow1 = getNPC.closest(COW_AREA1, "Cow") Entity Cow2 = getNPC.closest(COW_AREA2, "Cow") Entity Cow3 = getNPC.closest(COW_AREA3, "Cow") if(COW_AREA1.contains(Cow1)) { cow1.interact("Attack"); } else if(COW_AREA2.contains(Cow2) && !COW_AREA1.contains(Cow1)) { cow2.interact("Attack"); } else if(COW_AREA3.contains(Cow3) && !COW_AREA1.contains(Cow1) && !COW_AREA2.contains(Cow2)){ cow3.interact("Attack"); Made a script with similar concept, maybe you get some ideas?
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