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  1. @Khaleesi i would like to have a trial before i can buy it please, im looking into the script and i would like to buy but have a trial before
  2. @Juggles bro i have some suggestiong to you: Remake your UI, you can make a better one, you dont need 3 tabs, you can put everything in one tab If you wanto to make money put a donations button for paypal donations, from 1 to 10 dlls, people will donate to keep it free and alive, is better than selling it. If you can make a GUI more elegant and clear without alot of color that would be great. BTW: if you put donations intead of selling it i would be happy to donate to you, you can also put donators options, so people who donate to you have acces to other options like potion support, better antiban, etc. if you want i can make you a GUI.
  3. sooooo f... coool, i cant wait to upload my scripts to the new osbot2, this is the new revolution of botting in oldschool.
  4. Xiurik

    Help With GUI

    Have you an Example of where to call and about the variable??
  5. Xiurik

    Help With GUI

    Hello, i have made my GUI for my script, with the labels, buttons, etc etc, but i really dont know where to put the code, im using windows builder but idk where to put the code or where to call the form, im LOST. If someone uses windows builder to make gui and know where to put the code please let me know. Also Thanks.
  6. Xiurik

    BETA v1.7.51

    the bot did 4 events in 6 hours of playing everyone so human, everything seems to be ok, good update master.
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