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  1. Any chance I could get a trial? I'll be damned if I have to get elite void on my own.
  2. Etarc

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Used this script on a maxed combat that was never botted, 4 one hour sessions, 1 day ban. Use with significant caution.
  3. Yeah, all part of the game though. (Literally) Just trying to give feedback, seeing as I didn't run it long. Didn't use telegrab, was ranging + cannoning. I feel like a QOL update would be to have it reload the cannon at intervals maybe between 15-2 remaining. Having it reload instantly after it runs out is a little off.
  4. Bought this script, used it for about an hour one day and 2 and a half hours the next, then banned after 24 hours.
  5. Etarc

    Fruity NMZ

    Add another to the ban list, got a 24 hour after going from 70/70/70 to 94/99/99. That being said, fantastic script, only had one occurrence where the bot bugged out, other than that, it worked perfectly as advertised. Only botted in 3 hour intervals, at max two sessions per day.
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