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  1. Deez_Nuts


    100 Quest Points Full Range Void Dragon defender
  2. When using cannon and cannon only and telegrab it does the following: Spams telegrab until it actually uses it, then it gets stuck with telegrab clicked and highlighted (won't fill cannon when telegrab is pressed down) For now the only way to use it is to babysit or not use telegrab please push a fix
  3. I am trying to use B2P at lvl 75 ankou on the fourth level. I started with a full pack of peaches and a bunch of tabs. Added stuff to the looting table including bones. I set the food to "Peach" and withdraw to "0". Not eating and not looting anything including bones. Is this script broken? Now I deleted everything on the loot table except bones and it's looting those but it still isn't eating. And it's stuck on "Looting" Status. I think it's waiting for an ankou to attack but the ankou are now non-aggressive. Would appreciate you looking into b2p ankou and working on a fix please.
  4. On level 4 ankou, after the script has been running a while it has a tendency to start leaving drops on the ground. Saw death runes and blood runes disappear a couples times. Okay so what is happening is this. 1) inventory full with half peaches, half bones, and some drops. 2) blood runes on ground 3) leaves blood runes attacks next ankou 4) attacks next ankou....attacks next ankou....attacks next ankou..... 5) eats peach 6) picks up bones to fill blank spot 7) picks up blood runes Basically if you have full inventory using b2p it wont pick up drops until it needs to get more bones.
  5. Any reason it takes so long to board the ship after a game?
  6. I will try the deathwalk option. I'm not sure what was happening but one time I tried not bringing runes to get it to stop banking (didn't realize deathwalk was that option at the time) and i came back to it afk'd at edgeville instead lol. Didn't have glory option checked either.
  7. Came across something. It was stuck in a loop clicking back and forth between the spell book and the inventory. I believe it was trying to tele-grab a seed and use a ranging potion at the same time. *This is what's happening. You can replicate it with a seed that can be telegrabbed on the ground and a ranging potion in your inv. Just start it up in those conditions and it will get stuck in a loop.
  8. Do i need to set it to withdraw B2P from bank or just don't do anything? I'm confused because I did that and it afk'd at varrock west for god knows how long with 84 b2p still left in the inv. So if I don't add anything to withdraw from bank it doesn't let me start the script and says I don't have any food set. So I "grab inventory" with some peaches and b2p in my inv and it works but then at some point it is teleporting to varrock for some reason and afk's at the bank.
  9. What is the proper way to set up b2p ankou? I thought i had set it up right but 2 hours later I came back and it was afk at edge bank. It would afk until it logged out and log back in and afk. Just wondering how you guys set it up.
  10. May I have a trial for this please?
  11. What range and mage level are you looking for?
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