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cody khan

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  1. Hey Czar, longtime! I've tried using this lastnight and like the example above it keeps getting stuck after 3-6 games. I've tried to restore all default settings and allow the key binding. Can you re-test this please and get back to me. Thank you very much in advance!
  2. Hey Khaleesi! You know I'm a big fan and supporter of your scripts. I recently just tested this one out again and there seems to be a problem with the tele grabbing feature, it keeps wanting to do it twice. Please take a look and fix this. Thank you so much!
  3. Hey Czar is the range guild script still good? I've tried using my old script and its been a while but it seems to be having errors exiting the game and speaking to the host again. I'm just playing on normal mode not mirrored and it doesn't seem to last over one game :/ please help! Thank you!

    1. Czar


      I will check it out, last time I checked it was working well :d 

  4. Thanks a lot Khaleesi! No trial needed. . Keep up the good work! Great as always!
  5. Of course i'm logged in.. I've tried your with your other scripts as well and as soon as the GUI comes up it then quits itself not sure exactly how to fix it. I'm not b2p, and i'm not ranging just training str with food
  6. Hey I keep trying to start your script up and it exits itself everytime. I tried on both mirror and injection, and its been updated. You know what's going on?
  7. Jarfix? What does it do? Sorry man, I'm not all tech with this stuff... Fixed! Thanks boss. Someone give this man a raise and a beer please! cheers brother! Thanks a lot
  8. I got a new computer and I'm trying to get set back up and when I go to download and run the client it doesn't open and run like usual. I thought it was a java issue (and I know it probably is) but I'm not that smart with these things. Anyways I have java, and its updated and it won't run. For some reason it only gives me an option to save/open - then open with, I tried java and its just all over the place. I took some screen shots to hopefully better explain it. Let me know what you guys think http://imgur.com/a/fC5RQ Thanks everyone, - Cody
  9. Sounds good! Thanks Khalessi!
  10. Just want to let you know, at the seers roof top it tends to be a little slow at the start of the course. I get the random anti mouse movements but I think it stalls for a little bit too long (no human like). Maybe it's just me, but take a look i'm sure you know what I mean. Just a suggestion to make this better. You have nothing but my full support and respect for your scripts! Thanks
  11. Hey just so you're aware. It seems to stall a bit as far as standing there for a good while, sometimes long enough to just log itself out. I tried this with and without the extra anti ban feature. Still a great script but I feel like i'm losing a lot of xp/hr while it sits there. It usually happens after an hour of running. Hope this helps out. Thanks Khalessi!
  12. Finally got a chance to try out your script. It works great! Keep up the good work Khaleesi!!
  13. Czar, you might wanna take a look at this script... Idk why but it seems to be getting stuck moving space to space, back in forth like (doing 180's). I tried stay in position and also tried unchecking it and its still bugging out lol no idea please check this out! Thanks!
  14. Another great script by you Czar! Keep up the good work! Thanks a lot!
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