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Trade With Caution
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About kathan30

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    Fit as fuck.

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  1. literally just a random glitch, its always on and off for me.
  2. to be honest, i disagree with everything you are saying about drugs - considering this is 18+ forums people should be able to discuss as they please - just because you disagree with drugs doesn't mean everyone else does.
  3. kathan30


    Yh photoshop is the best. With 3D text you will have to combine other programs with photoshop to get the best outcome, i suggest you learn the basic first.
  4. I think that if you right, your wrong doings; for example pay the people back the money, that should be enough; moreover i support the time-frame idea.
  5. levi i will buy for $25 dollars, add me on skype: kathan301
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