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de la hoya

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  1. Does the Alching feature move the mouse after every click?? this is SO BOT LIKE please inform, waiting on trial
  2. May I get a trial of this script, I want to see what the antiban looks like for Alching before purchasing, thank you. -de la hoya
  3. Can you add a feature to NOT attack other people's rock crabs and maybe even say "my b" / "sry" / "oops" every few times that it accidentally does attack someones crab ? The CHAT option is just a bonus but THIS BOT ~NEEDS~ to not attack other people's Rock Crabs.. Besides this feature, or lack-thereof, this bot is almost flawless...
  4. Can I please get a 24 hour trail? I don't remember if you ever saw my last post but I've been wanting to test this script out, no other site has one!
  5. Only crafting bot, glad someone had the sense to make one! May I please test it out before I purchase? Thanks!
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