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  1. This is a scam and idk why it’s the only script featured on the store here do not buy this shit jus get the cape yourself it’s not hard at all This is a scam and idk why it’s the only script featured on the store here do not buy this shit jus get the cape yourself it’s not hard at all This is a scam and idk why it’s the only script featured on the store here do not buy this shit jus get the cape yourself it’s not hard at all
  2. Your script is alright jus a lil buggy I realized a lot of the problems people are having are user errors do to the slight learning curve of this script I forgot to take a pic of the logs but it does tend to get stuc on him at times when trying to walk it doesn’t kno how to open some gates maybe do a test run of what I’m talking about
  3. Also he gets stuck at the gate in the edgevile dungeon and doesn’t kno how to open it
  4. When trying to use the edgevile dungeon slayer master it keeps getting stuck at the trap door or it gets stuck checking the slayer gem thing for tasks over n over and it doesn’t grab the right inventory
  5. This don’t work I bought it nothing works the interface don’t even come up to input settings
  6. okay do I need to redownload it? sometimes even if you attack one of the skeleton monkeys back it will continue to run back and forth till your outta food and prayer pots
  7. Hey czar I messaged you but the script I run it on mm1 settings and everything works for about 45-mins to an hour then it gets stuc and I have to manually click one of the monkeys for it to start again even with auto retaliate on it won’t attack back
  8. I was doing the stun aching okay I know I have a lot of questions hopefully this is the last one but I set the break timers up through the actual script and not the client itself and it stayed logged in and never logged out it just stood there logged in what am I doing wrong?
  9. Thanks man I’m just tryna figure out the most efficient magic method to use with this bot to get exp gold on the game isn’t a issue so if you kno what the best option to go about is please let me kno thank you for your help
  10. I know this is gonna sound really dumb but what is invocs
  11. Is it safe to high alch or Tele overnight with this or should I only do it in 3 hour intervals this is my first time Botting I kno it sounds dumb
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