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  1. Got permanent ban... I have used the bots only 3-4hr/day and enabled all of safe function (humanlike double click and delay) but didnt work... Thanks for everything im out
  2. I got now 2days temporary banned too. I used Khal motherlode bot. But I don't dare to use anymore the bots cuz i'm afraid of a permanent ban
  3. It doesnt work. I want to build mahogany tables but dont interact with the butler. Idk whats the problem. I have coins in my inv
  4. Can anyone send a settings for all? i mean prayer, cannon, safespotting etc
  5. But how? Mine do nothin. It goes to the spot and do nothin -.-
  6. How much time they need? around
  7. After todays up8 (2024 May 23) the osbot dont work. I have the latest 2.7.30 version but dont loading up the game as before. "Bot initialization error" it said. Anyone have a solution to this?
  8. Cant use blast furnace with this script?
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