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  1. For some reason I can't get it to wait until the paydirt sack is full for it to bank. It just banks after every load. I even adjusted it to 84 ore in sack before banking with no luck. Any ideas?
  2. Czar's new hunter bot is working on adding this feature. So far his is the only one with pitfalls (that I could find) as well.
  3. Hello! Just wanted to give you an update on how pitfalls have been going for me, I've gained 2-3 levels hunting just antelope the past day or so. Beyond me having to eat every now and then it's been working great, except for one minor hiccup I've found. Sometimes, when your inventory is too full, the script will tease an antelope and then it tries to go and craft the bolts/cut a tree in a cycle, so it won't stop attempting to craft the items and you continuously takes the hits from the antelope, I wish I could've screenshot the log for you, but hindsight...etc. I'll try to keep an eye out for it for you and get a log if it occurs again. Thanks for the great scriptwork and customer service as always! EDIT: Of course after I post this the issue I found occurs, see screenshots below:
  4. Does this work for or are there any other bots for wildy bosses (Spindel, Calvarion, Artio etc)?
  5. Is a corrupted gauntlet script achievable? If so, what would be the cost for such a script ?
  6. Any chance of adding a food option for the antelope? Possibly just bringing a tinderbox and cooking the raw antelope to maintain health? Idk Thanks again for adding the bolt craft/bank option
  7. Hello! Any chance of adding bolt crafting for the Sunlight/moonlight antelope script or allowing banking the antlers? Main reason I bought this script over the others was for the pitfall abilities, but I really want those bolts for my ironman.
  8. I just ended up using phials instead and it managed it alright. Any chance of adding Mythics Capes to this?
  9. Had one of my teleports set to tabs, think that was causing it. It's very finnicky if you aren't exactly precise during the set up
  10. It just keeps using Ultra Compost on the same plot over and over and never plants my seed so the run can't proceed. Log below:
  11. Perfect. I got it to work, but I'm having issues with Teak Garden Benches, it builds the two then won't do anything. I'm running it with Demon Butler on.
  12. Hello! May I please trial this one ?
  13. Thank you! Does this script only work with teleport tabs ?
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