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female lrl

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by female lrl

  1. No no no, i've fully reinstalled windows on my pc, and it still didn't work. plus it happens on my laptop aswel, i'm just wondering if there are any smart people on here that know if i can change the settings on the router/modem to see if it will work, or make my ip a static ip or something, i dont know, thank you for your input though, i really appricate it.
  2. Okay Guys. This Problem is roughly every 15-30 minutes i get disconnected from the internet, not fully disconnected where i lose the connection, but when i'm on runescape, i get disconnected, try to log back in and it says "your account is already logged in" rah rah rah, I've disabled all my firewalls, and still doesn't work. i've even called up my ISP and they say to send the logs in, i've done that and then they said, oh.. theres nothing we can do about it. its really when im in the wilderness, for some reason as soon as when i attack someone, i get dced. or i run into the wildy and i get dced, says account is already logged in, then i log in.. and im in lumbridge dead. My internet isn't slow at all, i mean it loads everything.. But when it gets to the disconnected stage, a internet page won't load for bout 20-30 seconds, then it loads. So theres a tiny interval where my interenet cuts out, but doesnt cut out long enough for it to fully disconnect and i have to reconnect to it again. I'm using Wifi to my modem, I know that could cause it. But i can't use ethernet.. My ISP is telstra Cable (Australian lol) So what can i do next? any tips? maybe something i can change on my router settings or cmd i dont know, someone please help me.. OFFERING OSRS GP IF SOMEONE CAN HELP
  3. Hi Guys, Just wondering price my account would be worth, for osrs game or in real life cash. there are mith gloves on the account and the combat level is 57.
  4. hi there i was wondering if i could get a trial please
  5. Is anyone Able to give me a free trial of a ranging Guild script please? Not sure where this is supposed to be, so can someone please move where its appriote to be please.
  6. it depends, you can bot for 24 hours no ban, you can bot for 30 mins and get perm banned, just depends really. like i was using a scirpt for killing chickens for feathers i ran it for 56 hours no ban, i then started a new account and started to kill the chickens with the same script, that account got banned within 40minutes of running it.. where my other account to this day still isnt banned.
  7. Best Script i have ever used, left it running over night and didn't get banned, honestly i am so amazed, this is so amazing,
  8. well if you like that type of music then sure, i just like music with words you know.. if that makes sense haha, so you can understand what they are saying etc.
  9. hey man like dont complain aye, more money + exp for you ;) maybe jagex will just do a banhammer and rape and ban all of your accounts plus flagged ip.
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