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  1. Isaiah420

    Slick Quester

    When it tries to buy goblin mail, it only puts in 750gp and they won't buy that cheap. So it fills all the GE tabs with 3 goblin mail, and even when they do finally buy, it just banks them and keeps trying to buy more. Even if I put the goblin mail in my inventory, or in my bank, it still goes back to GE trying to buy more.
  2. It won't train any skill, only does quests but it gets stuck trying to click the hide roofs setting, but it's unusable either way because it's crashing the whole client with it's excessive CPU
  3. its not doing anything when i started it and using almost max CPU in low CPU mode
  4. I want to have multiple accounts botting, and don't want all of them to be banned if just one gets caught. I know very little about proxies. Here are some main questions I have: 1) If I create one account using a VPN and a second account using a different VPN, but then log both accounts in through OSbot without using VPNs or proxies, will the accounts be linked together in a chain ban? They would, right? 2) If so, then I need proxies for like every 2 accounts right? Where can I get proxies from, and how do I even use them? All I know is that a proxy masks your IP, but I don't know how to use them. 3) If I get banned using one IP address/proxy, should I still create/use accounts on that IP address, or should I consider that it burned and never use it again? 4) If I wanted to have a list of backup accounts which are built and ready to use, can I CREATE the accounts using home IP, then later use proxies on them when they are botted on? Or does each couple accounts need to be CREATED on their own proxy? So I'm really asking, can I CREATE the accounts without masking my IP and then use proxies in the future to avoid chain bans? Or would they still be linked together since they were CREATED on the same IP, even though they'd be botted on proxies. Hopefully it makes sense what I'm asking. Thank you, I'm still new to this so I will appreciate constructive advice as I learn and grow.
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