Script Version: Most recent
OSBot Version: Most recent
Stealth Injection or Mirror mode: IDK what those are, I just launch it normally
Brief description of the issue: Takes a LONG walk to Jellies, only to teleport away when it gets there everytime. He walks to task, and teleports back to edgeville when he gets there. Never fighting anything.
Stack trace and or contents of Logger: [INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:18:19 AM]: [ObtainRequirementEvent] - Requirement has been obtained
[INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:18:20 AM]: [DoSlayerAssignmentTask] - Walking to monster
[INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:19:49 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:19:49 AM]: [EquipItemEvent] - Equiping Abyssal whip
[INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:19:50 AM]: [ObtainRequirementTask] - Obtaining requirement: GearRequirement[items: [11980], slot:RING, min: 1, max: 1, buy: 1]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:19:50 AM]: [ObtainRequirementEvent] - Obtaining requirement GearRequirement[items: [11980], slot:RING, min: 1, max: 1, buy: 1]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/05 09:19:50 AM]: [OpenBankEvent] - Walking to the bank
Screenshot where it got stuck: