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  1. Is there a timeframe you're thinking of adding GE/Mule functionality?
  2. It's just standing in the bank and the GUI says, "Checking if Holy blessing is missing." The account has it equipped. It just sits there... This is the set up. For some reason I have to consistently stop the script, and restart it. I don't change the inventory, I don't move, I just stop the script, restart it, and it eventually just gets stuck anyways. Sometimes it'll break with this inventory and say it doesn't have enough sharks. And after running for an hour or so, it'll start bringing 2 recoil rings and 2 dueling rings in the inventory, which I can see leading to the "not enough sharks" bug.
  3. I have another issue. I currently have the settings to have 1 extra recoil ring, but the script keeps taking 2 recoil rings. Not only that. But it just sits at the dock and says not enough sharks, when it has a full inventory of sharks. It's bringing 2 rings of dueling, and it just swaps between the rings constantly during the fight. Not the recoil rings, its just swapping between the dueling rings. On another account, it didn't have any problems until the new update. Now its dying every attempt.
  4. Same here. The bot will also get stuck sitting inside the FFA portal. It just sits there saying there are no sharks in the inventory, when it has a fresh inventory straight from the bank of food and pots.
  5. Can someone please explain to me the difference or Pros/Cons between these options? If this has been asked already I apologize, if you could link me to it, it would be much appreciated!
  6. Nvm, it's been answered. Will you ever add the option for it to go to ge to buy more ores and return/continue smithing?
  7. Yeah, after letting it run a while and probably stopping it after it added in that coal it's starting to do just that now. There is still an issue of where the bot will dump ore, click on the bar dispenser, then immediately click on the bank and run to it, then click back to the bar dispenser, and then finally to the bank. Is this intentional?
  8. Maybe I haven't done Blast furnace in forever, but I have it running right now with steel bars chosen with coal bag. It makes an inventory of iron bars and then steel bars and keeps alternating, how come it doesn't stick with just steel bars? Maybe if someone could help me figure out the proper settings? Right now it's making a mix of steel and iron bars, and the profit per hour with coal bag and ice gloves/stam pot is only around 220k/hr
  9. LF 3 Zulrah ready accounts. Regicide done. MA cape ($4 more if MA2 Cape) 75 Mage/Range/Def. 45 Pray. Avas.
  10. I may be blind, can someone please point me to how to upgrade to Sponsor/VIP status? Nvm, I literally just found it
  11. Forgive me if this is the wrong area to post this. Whats the safest way to fund a new account? Ex: an account that has been handplayed for a few hours fresh from tutorial island, maybe 1 or 2 quests done. Needs like 1-2m?
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